Guang‘Ao, China
Guang‘Ao, China
以下QQ密码中,安全性最高的是() A: guangdong B: 123456t C: guang123456 D: GUANG2009dong
以下QQ密码中,安全性最高的是() A: guangdong B: 123456t C: guang123456 D: GUANG2009dong
中国大学MOOC: 居往切拼读出来应该是“guang上声”
中国大学MOOC: 居往切拼读出来应该是“guang上声”
居往切拼读出来应该是“guang上声” A: 正确 B: 错误
居往切拼读出来应该是“guang上声” A: 正确 B: 错误
“桃李不言, 下自成蹊” is a phrase used to acclaim Li Guang, a great general in the East Han dynasty.
“桃李不言, 下自成蹊” is a phrase used to acclaim Li Guang, a great general in the East Han dynasty.
【单选题】以下QQ密码中,安全性最高的是__________。 A. guangdong B. guang123456 C. GUANG2009dong D. ab*12345678
【单选题】以下QQ密码中,安全性最高的是__________。 A. guangdong B. guang123456 C. GUANG2009dong D. ab*12345678
Which statement is NOT true about Dong Yong? A: He is a filial son. B: He sold himself for a slave to give his father a decent funeral. C: In the sarcophagus describing the story of Dong Yong we found evidence of early landscape painting. D: The element of landscape in the sarcophagus Dong Yong dominates the painting.
Which statement is NOT true about Dong Yong? A: He is a filial son. B: He sold himself for a slave to give his father a decent funeral. C: In the sarcophagus describing the story of Dong Yong we found evidence of early landscape painting. D: The element of landscape in the sarcophagus Dong Yong dominates the painting.
Tian Dong, together with his classmates, ___________ because of ___________ the school rules.
Tian Dong, together with his classmates, ___________ because of ___________ the school rules.
What did the boy buy A: China Daily. B: Guang Ming Daily. C: Ren Min Daily.
What did the boy buy A: China Daily. B: Guang Ming Daily. C: Ren Min Daily.
下列哪个是合法的标识符( )。 A: c=z B: _Haha C: 8nd D: Guang zhou
下列哪个是合法的标识符( )。 A: c=z B: _Haha C: 8nd D: Guang zhou