fibrous adhesion
fibrous adhesion
Which factors can affect mixing? A: The type and size of the mixing equipment B: Density C: Adhesion D: Surface charge of particles
Which factors can affect mixing? A: The type and size of the mixing equipment B: Density C: Adhesion D: Surface charge of particles
下面不属于过滤式除尘器的除尘机理的是_______。 A: Inertial collision B: Adhesion C: Interception D: Diffusion
下面不属于过滤式除尘器的除尘机理的是_______。 A: Inertial collision B: Adhesion C: Interception D: Diffusion
Which of the following statements does not conform to metastatic lymphadenopathy? A: Hard texture B: Easy adhesion C: Not easy to push D: Tenderness E: May spread to other areas
Which of the following statements does not conform to metastatic lymphadenopathy? A: Hard texture B: Easy adhesion C: Not easy to push D: Tenderness E: May spread to other areas
The pathogenic characteristics of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli shall be excluded: A: Adhesion to the epithelial cells of the upper intestinal mucosa B: Production of heat and / or heat labile enterotoxins C: Toxicity can be transmitted to other E.coli through plasmids D: Enterotoxin causes severe damage to mucous membrane
The pathogenic characteristics of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli shall be excluded: A: Adhesion to the epithelial cells of the upper intestinal mucosa B: Production of heat and / or heat labile enterotoxins C: Toxicity can be transmitted to other E.coli through plasmids D: Enterotoxin causes severe damage to mucous membrane
Which of the following statements about non-collagen adhesive proteins is wrong? A: The fibronectin mediates cell to cell adhesion. B: The molecular structure of fibronectin exhibits multi- domains for specific function. C: RGD tripeptide is the smallest structural unit of non-collagen binding proteins in ECM for cell to associate. D: Laminin is a hetero-trimmer protein composed of three polypeptide chains of α、β and γ.
Which of the following statements about non-collagen adhesive proteins is wrong? A: The fibronectin mediates cell to cell adhesion. B: The molecular structure of fibronectin exhibits multi- domains for specific function. C: RGD tripeptide is the smallest structural unit of non-collagen binding proteins in ECM for cell to associate. D: Laminin is a hetero-trimmer protein composed of three polypeptide chains of α、β and γ.
EBD, short for Electronic Brake-force Distribution, as the subsystem of ABS, is designed to automatically modulate the brake force on the front wheels and the rear wheels according to the load of the car, the condition of the road and the adhesion between the tire sand road surface in order to get more balanced and closer to the ideal brake force distribution.
EBD, short for Electronic Brake-force Distribution, as the subsystem of ABS, is designed to automatically modulate the brake force on the front wheels and the rear wheels according to the load of the car, the condition of the road and the adhesion between the tire sand road surface in order to get more balanced and closer to the ideal brake force distribution.
关于桥粒连接,下列叙述中哪项是错误的 A: 是细胞间一种紧密连接结构,有强的抗张和抗压作用 B: 在上皮细胞位于粘着带下方,相邻细胞间有30nm的间隙 C: 桥粒区胞质面有盘状致密的粘着斑(adhesion plaque) D: 跨膜连接糖蛋白附于胞质斑(cytoplasmic plaque)上
关于桥粒连接,下列叙述中哪项是错误的 A: 是细胞间一种紧密连接结构,有强的抗张和抗压作用 B: 在上皮细胞位于粘着带下方,相邻细胞间有30nm的间隙 C: 桥粒区胞质面有盘状致密的粘着斑(adhesion plaque) D: 跨膜连接糖蛋白附于胞质斑(cytoplasmic plaque)上