• 2022-06-16 问题

    若要退出For循环,可使用的语句为____。 A: Exit B: Exit Do C: Exit Funtion D: Exit Fo

    若要退出For循环,可使用的语句为____。 A: Exit B: Exit Do C: Exit Funtion D: Exit Fo

  • 2022-05-27 问题



  • 2022-06-10 问题

    若要退出While…End While循环,可使用的语句为( )。 A: Exit B: Exit For C: Exit Do D: Exit While

    若要退出While…End While循环,可使用的语句为( )。 A: Exit B: Exit For C: Exit Do D: Exit While

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    Experts say this may be _____________ the warming climate. A: as a result B: in result C: a result of D: a result

    Experts say this may be _____________ the warming climate. A: as a result B: in result C: a result of D: a result

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    阅读下面程序 A: result=""; B: result=null C: result=number1 D: result=number2

    阅读下面程序 A: result=""; B: result=null C: result=number1 D: result=number2

  • 2022-05-27 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】下面 C代码的输出结果是()。int answer,result;answer=100;result=answer-10;printf( “The result is %d” , result+5); A. The result is 90 B. The result is 95 C. The result is 10 D. The result is 100

    【单选题】下面 C代码的输出结果是()。int answer,result;answer=100;result=answer-10;printf( “The result is %d” , result+5); A. The result is 90 B. The result is 95 C. The result is 10 D. The result is 100

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    若要退出For循环,使用的语句为( )。 A: End For B: Exit For C: Exit D: Exit Do

    若要退出For循环,使用的语句为( )。 A: End For B: Exit For C: Exit D: Exit Do

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    在Do While...Loop循环语句中,若要退出循环,继续执行循环体外的下一个语句,则应使用________语句。 A: Exit Do B: Exit C: Exit Loop D: Exit While E: Exit For

    在Do While...Loop循环语句中,若要退出循环,继续执行循环体外的下一个语句,则应使用________语句。 A: Exit Do B: Exit C: Exit Loop D: Exit While E: Exit For

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    .Her heart was slightly damaged ______her long illness. A: as a result B: as a result of C: result in D: result from

    .Her heart was slightly damaged ______her long illness. A: as a result B: as a result of C: result in D: result from

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