Python中使用线程需引入的模块是( ) 。 A: C。 B: thread C: numpy D: D。 E: time F: 5() G: B。 H: threading I: J: A
Python中使用线程需引入的模块是( ) 。 A: C。 B: thread C: numpy D: D。 E: time F: 5() G: B。 H: threading I: J: A
class X implements Runnable{public static void main(String args[]){/* Missing code? */}public void run() {}}哪一行代码适合启动线程? A: Thread t = new Thread(X); B: Thread t = new Thread(X);t.start(); C: X run = new X();Thread t = new Thread(run);t.start(); D: Thread t = new Thread();;
class X implements Runnable{public static void main(String args[]){/* Missing code? */}public void run() {}}哪一行代码适合启动线程? A: Thread t = new Thread(X); B: Thread t = new Thread(X);t.start(); C: X run = new X();Thread t = new Thread(run);t.start(); D: Thread t = new Thread();;
下列选项中哪个指的是主线程() A: thread B: main C: ActivityThread D: MainThread
下列选项中哪个指的是主线程() A: thread B: main C: ActivityThread D: MainThread
Java应用程序中,隐含的主线程是_( )__。 A: Thread B: Runnable C: main D: un
Java应用程序中,隐含的主线程是_( )__。 A: Thread B: Runnable C: main D: un
程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:MyThread必须继承Thread。MyThread必须实现Thread。MyThread必须覆盖publicvoidrun()。有几行是正确的() A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3
程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:MyThread必须继承Thread。MyThread必须实现Thread。MyThread必须覆盖publicvoidrun()。有几行是正确的() A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3
下列能得到主线程的是() A: threading.main_thread() B: threading.enumerate() C: threading.activeCount() D: currentCount()
下列能得到主线程的是() A: threading.main_thread() B: threading.enumerate() C: threading.activeCount() D: currentCount()
Given: 1. public class Foo implements Runnable { 2. public void run (Thread t) { 3. System.out.println("Running."); 4. } 5. public static void main (String[] args) { 6. new Thread (new Foo()).start(); 7. } 8. } What is the result?
Given: 1. public class Foo implements Runnable { 2. public void run (Thread t) { 3. System.out.println("Running."); 4. } 5. public static void main (String[] args) { 6. new Thread (new Foo()).start(); 7. } 8. } What is the result?
Whatletter symbol is used in a thread note to denote an external thread? Aninternal thread?
Whatletter symbol is used in a thread note to denote an external thread? Aninternal thread?
下列程序创建了一个线程并运行,请在下画线处填入正确代码。 public class Try extends Thread public static void main(String args[]) Thread t=new Try(); ______; public void run() System.out.printin("Try!");
下列程序创建了一个线程并运行,请在下画线处填入正确代码。 public class Try extends Thread public static void main(String args[]) Thread t=new Try(); ______; public void run() System.out.printin("Try!");
5.1 在(1)~(3)处填上适当的语句,使程序能正常运行。 class MyThread implements Runable { (1) { while(true){System.out.print("hello"); try { (2) //休眠1秒钟 } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}} public class Demo{ public static void main(String []s){ MyThread thread1= (3) //声明创建对象thread1 Thread thread = new Thread(thread1,"线程1") thread.start(); //通过对象thread启动线程 }}
5.1 在(1)~(3)处填上适当的语句,使程序能正常运行。 class MyThread implements Runable { (1) { while(true){System.out.print("hello"); try { (2) //休眠1秒钟 } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}} public class Demo{ public static void main(String []s){ MyThread thread1= (3) //声明创建对象thread1 Thread thread = new Thread(thread1,"线程1") thread.start(); //通过对象thread启动线程 }}