Which of the following is NOT an advantages of speaking extemporaneously?
Which of the following is NOT an advantages of speaking extemporaneously?
半即兴演讲(speaking extemporaneously) 指的是 事先认真准备讲稿并排练,但上台时不看讲稿而演讲。
半即兴演讲(speaking extemporaneously) 指的是 事先认真准备讲稿并排练,但上台时不看讲稿而演讲。
Which of the following methods of speech delivery are most likely to result in poor eye contact? A: ) Speaking extemporaneously. B: ) Speaking impromptu. C: ) Reading from the manuscript. D: ) Reciting from memory.
Which of the following methods of speech delivery are most likely to result in poor eye contact? A: ) Speaking extemporaneously. B: ) Speaking impromptu. C: ) Reading from the manuscript. D: ) Reciting from memory.
第三章中介绍了几种演讲的形式。半即兴演讲(speaking extemporaneously) 指的是 事先认真准备讲稿并排练,但上台时不看讲稿演讲。
第三章中介绍了几种演讲的形式。半即兴演讲(speaking extemporaneously) 指的是 事先认真准备讲稿并排练,但上台时不看讲稿演讲。