Which one is the advantage of “E-recruiting”?
Which one is the advantage of “E-recruiting”?
Which one is not the main recruiting methods of Dell ?
Which one is not the main recruiting methods of Dell ?
The goal of recruiting is simply to generate large numbers of applicants.
The goal of recruiting is simply to generate large numbers of applicants.
The artwork Uncle Sam was created in 1917 as a recruiting poster for the US Army.
The artwork Uncle Sam was created in 1917 as a recruiting poster for the US Army.
概念题:人员招募筛选金字塔( recruiting yield pyramid)
概念题:人员招募筛选金字塔( recruiting yield pyramid)
中国大学MOOC: The costs of _______ are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers.
中国大学MOOC: The costs of _______ are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers.
What did they talk about A: quality control B: recruiting people C: advertising
What did they talk about A: quality control B: recruiting people C: advertising
Recruiting advertisements in newspapers and periodicals typically generate more desirable recruits than direct applications or referrals.
Recruiting advertisements in newspapers and periodicals typically generate more desirable recruits than direct applications or referrals.
We have already (check) ________ out the Recruiting Calendar. GM will be visiting our campus next month.
We have already (check) ________ out the Recruiting Calendar. GM will be visiting our campus next month.
Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HRdepartments? A: Recruiting B: Benefits C: Community relations D: Production and operations
Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HRdepartments? A: Recruiting B: Benefits C: Community relations D: Production and operations