• 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor advises that Shelley give up smoking and drinking.

    Thedoctor advises that Shelley give up smoking and drinking.

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    I'm afraid that as you have cancelled this appointment, next Thursday is the first available appointment to see thedoctor.

    I'm afraid that as you have cancelled this appointment, next Thursday is the first available appointment to see thedoctor.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Thedoctor'sadvicewasthatthepatient__________atonce. A: tobeoperated B: beingoperated C: beoperated D: operated

    Thedoctor'sadvicewasthatthepatient__________atonce. A: tobeoperated B: beingoperated C: beoperated D: operated

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor told him to __________ a month or so before going back to work.

    Thedoctor told him to __________ a month or so before going back to work.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor’s________isthathe’sjustgotabadcold. A: treatment B: diagnosis C: judgment D: diagnose

    Thedoctor’s________isthathe’sjustgotabadcold. A: treatment B: diagnosis C: judgment D: diagnose

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor’streatmenthasworkedmarvels:thepatienthas       completely. A: repeated B: returned C: recovered D: reminded

    Thedoctor’streatmenthasworkedmarvels:thepatienthas       completely. A: repeated B: returned C: recovered D: reminded

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor’stestshowsthat______. A: ourbrainsshrinkaswegrowolder B: thefrontsectionofthebraindoesnotshrink C: sixty-year-oldshavethebetterbrainsthanthirty-year-olds D: somepeople’sbrainshavecontractedmorethanotherpeople’s

    Thedoctor’stestshowsthat______. A: ourbrainsshrinkaswegrowolder B: thefrontsectionofthebraindoesnotshrink C: sixty-year-oldshavethebetterbrainsthanthirty-year-olds D: somepeople’sbrainshavecontractedmorethanotherpeople’s

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Whatistheauthor’sfather—thedoctor’sattitudetoPiquette? A: sympathetic B: indifferent C: incurious D: scornful

    Whatistheauthor’sfather—thedoctor’sattitudetoPiquette? A: sympathetic B: indifferent C: incurious D: scornful

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor asks about Mr. Sanchez’ssymptoms. A: a B: b C: c D: d

    Thedoctor asks about Mr. Sanchez’ssymptoms. A: a B: b C: c D: d

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thedoctor<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">speculated</span>thathighcholesterolwasacontributingfactortofirepatient’shealthproblems. A: expected B: thought C: assumed D: guessed

    Thedoctor<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">speculated</span>thathighcholesterolwasacontributingfactortofirepatient’shealthproblems. A: expected B: thought C: assumed D: guessed

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