October 1 is _________. A: May Day B: Children’s Day C: National Day D: New Year’s Day
October 1 is _________. A: May Day B: Children’s Day C: National Day D: New Year’s Day
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{int no;char name[20];char sex;struct{int year;int month;int day;}birth;}s;设结构变量s中的"birth"应是1985年10月1日“,则下面正确的赋值方式是( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['year=1985month=10day=1', 'birth.year=1985birth.month=10birth.day=1', 's.year=1985s.month=10s.day-1', 's.birth.year=1985s.birth.month=10s.birth.day-1'], 'type': 102}
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{int no;char name[20];char sex;struct{int year;int month;int day;}birth;}s;设结构变量s中的"birth"应是1985年10月1日“,则下面正确的赋值方式是( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['year=1985month=10day=1', 'birth.year=1985birth.month=10birth.day=1', 's.year=1985s.month=10s.day-1', 's.birth.year=1985s.birth.month=10s.birth.day-1'], 'type': 102}
It is on the third Sunday in June. A: Mother's Day B: Father's Day C: Children's Day D: Labor's Day
It is on the third Sunday in June. A: Mother's Day B: Father's Day C: Children's Day D: Labor's Day
The tenth September is __________. A: Teacher’s Day B: the Teacher’s Day C: Teachers’s Day D: Teachers’ Day
The tenth September is __________. A: Teacher’s Day B: the Teacher’s Day C: Teachers’s Day D: Teachers’ Day
以下能正确计算1*2*3*......*10的程序段是________. A: for(i=1;i<10;i++)s=s*i;s=1; B: s=0;for(i=1;i<=10;i++)s=s*i; C: for(i=1;i<10;i++)s=s*i;s=0; D: s=1;for(i=1;i<=10;i++)s=s*i;
以下能正确计算1*2*3*......*10的程序段是________. A: for(i=1;i<10;i++)s=s*i;s=1; B: s=0;for(i=1;i<=10;i++)s=s*i; C: for(i=1;i<10;i++)s=s*i;s=0; D: s=1;for(i=1;i<=10;i++)s=s*i;
Which day is America’s National Day or Independence Day? A: May 10, 1775 B: July 4, 1776 C: Oct 19, 1781 D: Apr 30, 1789
Which day is America’s National Day or Independence Day? A: May 10, 1775 B: July 4, 1776 C: Oct 19, 1781 D: Apr 30, 1789
People also celebrate the Double Ninth Festival as______. A: the Senior’s Day B: the Father’s Day C: the Daughter’s Day D: the Children’s Day
People also celebrate the Double Ninth Festival as______. A: the Senior’s Day B: the Father’s Day C: the Daughter’s Day D: the Children’s Day
St. Valentine's Day is a special day for lovers. A: True B: False C: Blank 1 D: Blank 2
St. Valentine's Day is a special day for lovers. A: True B: False C: Blank 1 D: Blank 2
The Thanksgiving was a special day because of the following except __________. A: Stevie's 10 confirmation calls B: Stevie's first day back to work C: the donation of over $10,000 D: the warm celebration
The Thanksgiving was a special day because of the following except __________. A: Stevie's 10 confirmation calls B: Stevie's first day back to work C: the donation of over $10,000 D: the warm celebration
September 10th is ___________. A: Women's Day B: Children's Day C: Mid-autumn Day D: Teachers' Day
September 10th is ___________. A: Women's Day B: Children's Day C: Mid-autumn Day D: Teachers' Day