I get very _____ when I can't find the words to say what I mean to say. It's so ______. A: frustrated / frustrating B: frustrating / frustrated C: frustrated / frustrated
I get very _____ when I can't find the words to say what I mean to say. It's so ______. A: frustrated / frustrating B: frustrating / frustrated C: frustrated / frustrated
She was deeply ______ by the amount of criticism her play received. A: deported B: B.deprived C: C.involved D: D.frustrated
She was deeply ______ by the amount of criticism her play received. A: deported B: B.deprived C: C.involved D: D.frustrated
Shewas________byherfailureinapplyingforthepostshehadlongdreamedof. A: ruined B: spoiled C: defeated D: frustrated
Shewas________byherfailureinapplyingforthepostshehadlongdreamedof. A: ruined B: spoiled C: defeated D: frustrated
45() A: disappointed B: frustrated C: inspired D: Pleased
45() A: disappointed B: frustrated C: inspired D: Pleased
SinceJanedidnotknowaforeignlanguage,shewas______bythemenuatthenationalrestaurant. A: puzzling B: pulsed C: bewildered D: frustrated
SinceJanedidnotknowaforeignlanguage,shewas______bythemenuatthenationalrestaurant. A: puzzling B: pulsed C: bewildered D: frustrated
To win in New York is to live jostling proximity to the frustrated majority.
To win in New York is to live jostling proximity to the frustrated majority.
He __________ in the children's games. A: generous B: envious C: content D: frustrated
He __________ in the children's games. A: generous B: envious C: content D: frustrated
Although at times learning a language was (frustrating/frustrated), it was well worth the effort.
Although at times learning a language was (frustrating/frustrated), it was well worth the effort.
He is optimistic that he will win the election. A: positive B: dismayed C: frustrated D: incredible
He is optimistic that he will win the election. A: positive B: dismayed C: frustrated D: incredible
The flood victims were in instantneed of help. A: refreshed B: frustrated C: released D: urgent
The flood victims were in instantneed of help. A: refreshed B: frustrated C: released D: urgent