• 2022-06-07 问题

    The flames were ________ the corridor behind him.

    The flames were ________ the corridor behind him.

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    The whole building was sent up in flames when the exploded.1.obscure2.extent3.exterior4.external5.petrol6.oblige7.delay8.decay9.decent10.route

    The whole building was sent up in flames when the exploded.1.obscure2.extent3.exterior4.external5.petrol6.oblige7.delay8.decay9.decent10.route

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames flare _______.

    Some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames flare _______.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire, you would known that the ______.

    If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire, you would known that the ______.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The factory went up in ____ last night. A: flames B: aids C: crushes D: astonishments

    The factory went up in ____ last night. A: flames B: aids C: crushes D: astonishments

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames ________________ nearby.

    Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames ________________ nearby.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Some people suggested that the demon of Nian was afraid of the following except___。( ) A: red color B: loud noises C: flames D: fish

    Some people suggested that the demon of Nian was afraid of the following except___。( ) A: red color B: loud noises C: flames D: fish

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    For each underlined word or expression choose the best meaning below. He smothered the flames with a blanket. A: covered up thickly B: built up quickly C: blew out slowly

    For each underlined word or expression choose the best meaning below. He smothered the flames with a blanket. A: covered up thickly B: built up quickly C: blew out slowly

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Passage 3 Break the Ice In many places, ice is as widely used as bread, and it would be surprising indeed if ice did not give birth to many special phrases. The phrases are river-born. Winter often leaves a small river so much solid ice that some boats cannot get through. The crews of such boats in times past chopped through the ice with hand axes to get the boat moving. Later, the thick ice was broken up by power machines. And that is how the expressions, “to break the ice,” got started. It meant, to make your first move, to do something for the first time; it was not possible until the ice was broken. For example, one sometimes hears a salesman say that he has not yet “broken the ice.” What he really is saying is that he has not yet begun. Later, the expression developed another meaning, covering a relationship between people. When you have not broken the ice with someone, you have not yet cleared the way to his trust in you, to his friendship. You still remain a stranger to him, until you do. You must get through to him, just as the small boats had to clear the river's ice jam. While “to break the ice,” was imported from Britain, the expression, “to cut no ice,” was born in American waters. This is the story: In the early 1800’s, an American businessman developed the idea of shipping ice to hot places where they had none even in winter. His plan was successful and he made a great deal of money shipping ice to American cities in the South. Soon, we are told, many others began to ship ice as if it were a crop. Large crews went to work cutting up the ice with long saws. The work was hard and the weather was often bitter cold. Many of the men naturally enjoyed the warmth of the campfires, which took the stiffness out of their frozen fingers. They could never get enough of those warm flames. Some, perhaps, spent a little too much time around the fire and were caught doing so. What could they say, except that they were just getting ready to go back to work? But that did not soften their angry boss. He told them in strong language that such use of their time around the fire “cut no ice.” And from that came the expression as it is used today. Now, when you tell someone that he "cuts no ice" with you, you are making certain things clear to him—that you are not moved or impressed or influenced by him in any way. You are putting it to him straight--that he is getting nowhere with you. "Skating on thin ice" is something else again. This means that a man may be doing or saying something risky. It might be offensive and get him into trouble. Thin ice is not much support; if he is not more careful, he may sink right through. In sports or any other kind of contest, you will hear the phrase, "The game is on ice" or "It is iced up." This simply means that the game is really over, that one side is so far ahead that the other cannot catch up. There is no longer any doubt as who the winner will be. (560 words) 91. It was not possible for some boats to pass through a small river in winter time because .

    Passage 3 Break the Ice In many places, ice is as widely used as bread, and it would be surprising indeed if ice did not give birth to many special phrases. The phrases are river-born. Winter often leaves a small river so much solid ice that some boats cannot get through. The crews of such boats in times past chopped through the ice with hand axes to get the boat moving. Later, the thick ice was broken up by power machines. And that is how the expressions, “to break the ice,” got started. It meant, to make your first move, to do something for the first time; it was not possible until the ice was broken. For example, one sometimes hears a salesman say that he has not yet “broken the ice.” What he really is saying is that he has not yet begun. Later, the expression developed another meaning, covering a relationship between people. When you have not broken the ice with someone, you have not yet cleared the way to his trust in you, to his friendship. You still remain a stranger to him, until you do. You must get through to him, just as the small boats had to clear the river's ice jam. While “to break the ice,” was imported from Britain, the expression, “to cut no ice,” was born in American waters. This is the story: In the early 1800’s, an American businessman developed the idea of shipping ice to hot places where they had none even in winter. His plan was successful and he made a great deal of money shipping ice to American cities in the South. Soon, we are told, many others began to ship ice as if it were a crop. Large crews went to work cutting up the ice with long saws. The work was hard and the weather was often bitter cold. Many of the men naturally enjoyed the warmth of the campfires, which took the stiffness out of their frozen fingers. They could never get enough of those warm flames. Some, perhaps, spent a little too much time around the fire and were caught doing so. What could they say, except that they were just getting ready to go back to work? But that did not soften their angry boss. He told them in strong language that such use of their time around the fire “cut no ice.” And from that came the expression as it is used today. Now, when you tell someone that he "cuts no ice" with you, you are making certain things clear to him—that you are not moved or impressed or influenced by him in any way. You are putting it to him straight--that he is getting nowhere with you. "Skating on thin ice" is something else again. This means that a man may be doing or saying something risky. It might be offensive and get him into trouble. Thin ice is not much support; if he is not more careful, he may sink right through. In sports or any other kind of contest, you will hear the phrase, "The game is on ice" or "It is iced up." This simply means that the game is really over, that one side is so far ahead that the other cannot catch up. There is no longer any doubt as who the winner will be. (560 words) 91. It was not possible for some boats to pass through a small river in winter time because .

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Part IVTranslating the following Chinesephrases in each sentence intoEnglish.(本题有30题,每题0.5分 ,共15分。)本题为短语翻译,根据提供的短语翻译复习范围出题。每个句子用括号提供中文意思,每个句子提供了几条横线,就填几个单词。然后大家把相应的英语翻译填到后面的30个相应的空格中,请注意单词形态变化。1.Consider that at the time of reading words in the real world, normally we will notonly ____ ____ ____ (正心)but also adjustourfocus and visual fields.2.Inthisway,youngpeopleforgettoeatandsleepand___ ___ ____(绞尽脑汁) aboutwritingthesongdesperately. 3. To me the colorful seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which____ ____ ____ ____ _____(从我的指尖流过).4. Ourscienceteacher____ ____ (挑出)forpraise to him.5.This paper ____ ____ _____ (回顾过去)and looks forward the future of increasing the speed of the train in China and gives some suggestions which are helpful for increasing the speed of the train in the future.6.But those who have never suffered impairmentofsight or hearing seldom____ ___ ____ ____ ____(最充分利用) these blessed faculties.7.The exhibition contains nothing that is____ ____(值得)remark.8.If people, animals, or plants___ ___(吸收)air, drink, or food, they allow it to enter their body, usually by breathing or swallowing.9. “We Can Do Anything” . 7 years ago,theAmerican auto industry was____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (处在崩溃的边缘). Plants were closing.10.For a child to____ ____ ____(天生具有) this disability indicates a defect in obstetriccare.11.____ ____ (从定义上来说), every data type widens to itself.12. Playful andchildlike,theycan___ ___ ___ ___ (有一种…的感觉)humor,buttheymustbecautioustheydon'tinadvertentlyhurtanother'sfeelingswhiletrying to befunny13.We must take positive steps to___ ____ (处理)theproblem.14. In 2006, she was____ ____(选举担任)the board of directors before taking over as president in 2009.15. After marrying Franklin D. Roosevelt, she ended up courageously ____ ____ ____ ____ (悉心照料她丈夫使之渡过)crippling polio. 16.We need more time to see how things develop before we____ ____ (采取行动).17. They sabotaged the bottom line of morality and civilization, created ____ ____ (意识形态偏见)and spread the virus of Cold-War mentality.18. After the car accident, many drivers ___ ___ (对...迅速施以援手) the victims’ aid.19. The company lost$ 7 million this quarter___ ___ ____ (与...形成对比)a profit of$ 6.2 million a yearearlier.20.Any____ ____(破旧的衣服)or used bath towel will produce bacteria.21.'If I were you,' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, 'I'd____ ____ ___ (提防)that girl of yours.'22.Thetensiongrewininverseproportiontothedistancefromtheir____ ___ (最终目的地).23.There was a timeinthe country when you’d be considered a jerk if you___ ____ ___ ____ ____ (路过有需要的人(不停车)).24.Weendeavor, westrive, wemake effortsand____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (牢记使命):providingourcustomerswith themost excellentsuspendingceilingsso thatthey willhonorusandwillwitnessoursuccess!25.The wind was____ ____ ____ (有利于我们).26.While listening, I can understand most of words, but sometimes I can't____ ____ ____ (领悟到)of what I hear.27.if you are lucky enough to____ ____ ____ ____ (被命运所眷顾), don't hesitate.28.He _____ _____ _____ _____ (对发明保密)until it was patented.29.f Nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames, it had no choice but to____ ____ (猛然进入)the "icy waters" below.30.It would take him the rest of his life to____ ____ (还清) thatloan.

    Part IVTranslating the following Chinesephrases in each sentence intoEnglish.(本题有30题,每题0.5分 ,共15分。)本题为短语翻译,根据提供的短语翻译复习范围出题。每个句子用括号提供中文意思,每个句子提供了几条横线,就填几个单词。然后大家把相应的英语翻译填到后面的30个相应的空格中,请注意单词形态变化。1.Consider that at the time of reading words in the real world, normally we will notonly ____ ____ ____ (正心)but also adjustourfocus and visual fields.2.Inthisway,youngpeopleforgettoeatandsleepand___ ___ ____(绞尽脑汁) aboutwritingthesongdesperately. 3. To me the colorful seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which____ ____ ____ ____ _____(从我的指尖流过).4. Ourscienceteacher____ ____ (挑出)forpraise to him.5.This paper ____ ____ _____ (回顾过去)and looks forward the future of increasing the speed of the train in China and gives some suggestions which are helpful for increasing the speed of the train in the future.6.But those who have never suffered impairmentofsight or hearing seldom____ ___ ____ ____ ____(最充分利用) these blessed faculties.7.The exhibition contains nothing that is____ ____(值得)remark.8.If people, animals, or plants___ ___(吸收)air, drink, or food, they allow it to enter their body, usually by breathing or swallowing.9. “We Can Do Anything” . 7 years ago,theAmerican auto industry was____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (处在崩溃的边缘). Plants were closing.10.For a child to____ ____ ____(天生具有) this disability indicates a defect in obstetriccare.11.____ ____ (从定义上来说), every data type widens to itself.12. Playful andchildlike,theycan___ ___ ___ ___ (有一种…的感觉)humor,buttheymustbecautioustheydon'tinadvertentlyhurtanother'sfeelingswhiletrying to befunny13.We must take positive steps to___ ____ (处理)theproblem.14. In 2006, she was____ ____(选举担任)the board of directors before taking over as president in 2009.15. After marrying Franklin D. Roosevelt, she ended up courageously ____ ____ ____ ____ (悉心照料她丈夫使之渡过)crippling polio. 16.We need more time to see how things develop before we____ ____ (采取行动).17. They sabotaged the bottom line of morality and civilization, created ____ ____ (意识形态偏见)and spread the virus of Cold-War mentality.18. After the car accident, many drivers ___ ___ (对...迅速施以援手) the victims’ aid.19. The company lost$ 7 million this quarter___ ___ ____ (与...形成对比)a profit of$ 6.2 million a yearearlier.20.Any____ ____(破旧的衣服)or used bath towel will produce bacteria.21.'If I were you,' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, 'I'd____ ____ ___ (提防)that girl of yours.'22.Thetensiongrewininverseproportiontothedistancefromtheir____ ___ (最终目的地).23.There was a timeinthe country when you’d be considered a jerk if you___ ____ ___ ____ ____ (路过有需要的人(不停车)).24.Weendeavor, westrive, wemake effortsand____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (牢记使命):providingourcustomerswith themost excellentsuspendingceilingsso thatthey willhonorusandwillwitnessoursuccess!25.The wind was____ ____ ____ (有利于我们).26.While listening, I can understand most of words, but sometimes I can't____ ____ ____ (领悟到)of what I hear.27.if you are lucky enough to____ ____ ____ ____ (被命运所眷顾), don't hesitate.28.He _____ _____ _____ _____ (对发明保密)until it was patented.29.f Nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames, it had no choice but to____ ____ (猛然进入)the "icy waters" below.30.It would take him the rest of his life to____ ____ (还清) thatloan.

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