20 June,这个时间的正确读法为the twentieth of June.对吗?
20 June,这个时间的正确读法为the twentieth of June.对吗?
Why is the Queen’s official birthday celebrated in June? A: Queen Elizabeth was born in June. B: The royal family decided to do so. C: It was arranged at the request of British people. D: There is a better chance of good weather in June.
Why is the Queen’s official birthday celebrated in June? A: Queen Elizabeth was born in June. B: The royal family decided to do so. C: It was arranged at the request of British people. D: There is a better chance of good weather in June.
Which day is Father's Day A: June 20th. B: July 20th. C: The third Sunday in June. D: The third Sunday in July.
Which day is Father's Day A: June 20th. B: July 20th. C: The third Sunday in June. D: The third Sunday in July.
We have to ask you to ______ the time of shipment in you L/C No.234 from 7 June to 15 June. A: extend B: cut C: increasing D: decrease
We have to ask you to ______ the time of shipment in you L/C No.234 from 7 June to 15 June. A: extend B: cut C: increasing D: decrease
A business commences business in June. Its sales account from the general ledger at the end of June is as follows. What will be the brought-down balance at the start of July? A: CR $1,050 B: DR $1,050 C: DR $950 D: CR $950
A business commences business in June. Its sales account from the general ledger at the end of June is as follows. What will be the brought-down balance at the start of July? A: CR $1,050 B: DR $1,050 C: DR $950 D: CR $950
4. When will the ordered goods be delivered? A: Before the mid of June. B: Before the end of June. C: At the beginning of June.
4. When will the ordered goods be delivered? A: Before the mid of June. B: Before the end of June. C: At the beginning of June.
【单选题】以下原产地证书有关日期填写错误的是 A. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 31,2017 B. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 25,2017 C. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 26,2017, 出运June 31,2017 D. 发票June 25,2017, 出口商声明June 25,2017,签发证June 25,2017, 出运June 31,2017
【单选题】以下原产地证书有关日期填写错误的是 A. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 31,2017 B. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 28,2017, 出运June 25,2017 C. 发票June 15,2017, 出口商声明June 26,2017,签发证June 26,2017, 出运June 31,2017 D. 发票June 25,2017, 出口商声明June 25,2017,签发证June 25,2017, 出运June 31,2017
According to the listening materials, in task 2, No.4 When is the earlist time of shipment?By A: By the middle of June. B: By the end of June. C: By the middle of June. D: By the end of July.
According to the listening materials, in task 2, No.4 When is the earlist time of shipment?By A: By the middle of June. B: By the end of June. C: By the middle of June. D: By the end of July.
以下原产地证书有关日期填写错误的是()。 A: 发票June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>28,2017 B: 发票<br/>June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>28,2017 C: 发票June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>26,2017 D: 发票<br/>June<br/>25,2017、出口商声明June<br/>25,2017、签证June<br/>25,2017
以下原产地证书有关日期填写错误的是()。 A: 发票June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>28,2017 B: 发票<br/>June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>28,2017 C: 发票June<br/>15,2017、出口商声明June<br/>26,2017、签证June<br/>26,2017 D: 发票<br/>June<br/>25,2017、出口商声明June<br/>25,2017、签证June<br/>25,2017
When determining the date of shipment, "on or about June 11th" refer to ( ). A: June 6~17 B: June 6~16 C: June 7~17 D: June 7~16
When determining the date of shipment, "on or about June 11th" refer to ( ). A: June 6~17 B: June 6~16 C: June 7~17 D: June 7~16