• 2022-05-28 问题

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误() A: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String t = " good ";  String k = s + t; B: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String t;  t = s[3] + "one"; C: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String standard = s.toUpperCase(); D: String s = "home directory"; String t = s - "directory"

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误() A: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String t = " good ";  String k = s + t; B: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String t;  t = s[3] + "one"; C: String s = "Gone with the wind";  String standard = s.toUpperCase(); D: String s = "home directory"; String t = s - "directory"

  • 2022-10-28 问题

    Java中,以下代码会报错会报错的两项是() A: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t = " good "; String k = s + t; B: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t; t = s[3] + "one"; C: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String standard = s.toUpperCase(); D: String s = "home directory"; String t = s - "directory";

    Java中,以下代码会报错会报错的两项是() A: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t = " good "; String k = s + t; B: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String t; t = s[3] + "one"; C: String s = "Gone with the wind"; String standard = s.toUpperCase(); D: String s = "home directory"; String t = s - "directory";

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误?( ) A: String s=”Hello”; String t=,,World"; String k=s+t; B: String s=,,Hello";String t;t=s[3]+"one"; C: String s="Hello,,;String standard = s.tollpperCase(); D: String s="Hello World”;String t=s-”World”;

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误?( ) A: String s=”Hello”; String t=,,World"; String k=s+t; B: String s=,,Hello";String t;t=s[3]+"one"; C: String s="Hello,,;String standard = s.tollpperCase(); D: String s="Hello World”;String t=s-”World”;

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误?( )。 A: String s="Gone with the wind";String t;t=s[3]+"one"; B: String s="Gone with the wind";String t="good";String k=s+t; C: String s="Gone with the wind";String standard=s.toUpperCase(); D: String s="home directory";String t=s-"directory";

    下面的哪些程序片断可能导致错误?( )。 A: String s="Gone with the wind";String t;t=s[3]+"one"; B: String s="Gone with the wind";String t="good";String k=s+t; C: String s="Gone with the wind";String standard=s.toUpperCase(); D: String s="home directory";String t=s-"directory";

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    以下哪个方法是Request对象用来获取前端页面表单数据的? A: getParameter(String s); B: getValue(String s) C: getParameterNames(String s) D: getParameterValue(String s)

    以下哪个方法是Request对象用来获取前端页面表单数据的? A: getParameter(String s); B: getValue(String s) C: getParameterNames(String s) D: getParameterValue(String s)

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    正确创建一个含有 5 个元素的字符串数组的选项是: A: String s[ 5] = new String[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;s[i++]=“”); B: String s[ ]={“”, “”, “”, “”, “”}; C: String s[5]; D: String [5]s;

    正确创建一个含有 5 个元素的字符串数组的选项是: A: String s[ 5] = new String[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;s[i++]=“”); B: String s[ ]={“”, “”, “”, “”, “”}; C: String s[5]; D: String [5]s;

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ‍若String s = “Hello” ; String t = “Hello”;String c=new String(s);则下列哪个表达式返回false?( )​ A: s.equals(t); B: t.equals(c); C: s==c; D: s==t;

    ‍若String s = “Hello” ; String t = “Hello”;String c=new String(s);则下列哪个表达式返回false?( )​ A: s.equals(t); B: t.equals(c); C: s==c; D: s==t;

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    假设有一个ComboBox类型的对象cmb,能正确添加列表项的代码是: A: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Items.Add(s); B: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(s); C: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Nodes.Add(s); D: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Items.Add(s.Text);

    假设有一个ComboBox类型的对象cmb,能正确添加列表项的代码是: A: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Items.Add(s); B: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(s); C: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Nodes.Add(s); D: string[] f = { "红楼梦", "三国演义", "水浒传", "西游记" };foreach (string s in f) cmb.Items.Add(s.Text);

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    String s = new String('xyz');创建了几个String Object?

    String s = new String('xyz');创建了几个String Object?

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    下面这些代码的功能是创建一个string对象 s,并将其内容设置为字符串 alohaworld ,正确的有: A: string s{'alohaworld'}; B: string s = string{"alohaworld"}; C: char* p = "alohaworld";string s(p); D: string s{'a','l','o','h','a','w','o','r','l','d'}; E: string s('a','l','o','h','a','w','o','r','l','d');

    下面这些代码的功能是创建一个string对象 s,并将其内容设置为字符串 alohaworld ,正确的有: A: string s{'alohaworld'}; B: string s = string{"alohaworld"}; C: char* p = "alohaworld";string s(p); D: string s{'a','l','o','h','a','w','o','r','l','d'}; E: string s('a','l','o','h','a','w','o','r','l','d');

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