• 2022-06-03 问题

    假设X为m*n数组,则sum(X)的输出结果是怎样的数组? A: 1*n B: 1*m C: m*n D: m*1

    假设X为m*n数组,则sum(X)的输出结果是怎样的数组? A: 1*n B: 1*m C: m*n D: m*1

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    计算两个自然数n和m(m<10000)之间所有数的和(n和m从键盘输入),若n>m,和为0。 例如,当n=1,m=100时,sum=5050;当n=100,m=1000时,sum=495550。 #include int main() { int n,m; long sum; /***********SPACE***********/ 【?】; printf("\nInput n,m\n"); scanf("%d,%d",&n,&m); while(n<=m) { /***********SPACE***********/ 【?】; n++; } /***********SPACE***********/ printf("sum=【?】\n",sum); return 0; }

    计算两个自然数n和m(m<10000)之间所有数的和(n和m从键盘输入),若n>m,和为0。 例如,当n=1,m=100时,sum=5050;当n=100,m=1000时,sum=495550。 #include int main() { int n,m; long sum; /***********SPACE***********/ 【?】; printf("\nInput n,m\n"); scanf("%d,%d",&n,&m); while(n<=m) { /***********SPACE***********/ 【?】; n++; } /***********SPACE***********/ printf("sum=【?】\n",sum); return 0; }

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    请读程序:#define ADD(x) x+xmain(){ int m=1,n=2,k=3; int sum=ADD(m+n)*k; printf(“sum=%d”,sum); }上面程序的运行结果是    。 A: sum=9 B: sum=10 C: sum=18 D: sum=12

    请读程序:#define ADD(x) x+xmain(){ int m=1,n=2,k=3; int sum=ADD(m+n)*k; printf(“sum=%d”,sum); }上面程序的运行结果是    。 A: sum=9 B: sum=10 C: sum=18 D: sum=12

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    执行下列程序并输入数据8、9、3和0后,窗体中显示结果是______。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim sum As Integer,m As Integer sum=0 Do m=InputBox("输入m") sum=sum+m Loop Until m=0 MsgBox sum End Sub

    执行下列程序并输入数据8、9、3和0后,窗体中显示结果是______。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim sum As Integer,m As Integer sum=0 Do m=InputBox("输入m") sum=sum+m Loop Until m=0 MsgBox sum End Sub

  • 2022-07-28 问题

    在下列程序段中,不能计算1到100之间奇数之和的是__________。 A: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 100 Step 2 sum = sum + i Next B: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 100 If i Mod 2 &lt;&gt; 0 Then sum = sum + i Next C: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 99 sum = sum + i Next D: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 100 To 1 Step -1 If i Mod 2 &lt;&gt; 0 Then sum = sum + i Next

    在下列程序段中,不能计算1到100之间奇数之和的是__________。 A: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 100 Step 2 sum = sum + i Next B: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 100 If i Mod 2 &lt;&gt; 0 Then sum = sum + i Next C: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 99 sum = sum + i Next D: Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i = 100 To 1 Step -1 If i Mod 2 &lt;&gt; 0 Then sum = sum + i Next

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    下面程序流程图的功能是:对用户指定的n值,计算并输出满足不等式1! + 2!+ … + m! < n的m的整数解,则图中空白的矩形框内应该填写的是( )。[img=135x251]1802d1be41618f0.jpg[/img] A: sum < n B: sum > n C: sum >= n D: sum <= n

    下面程序流程图的功能是:对用户指定的n值,计算并输出满足不等式1! + 2!+ … + m! < n的m的整数解,则图中空白的矩形框内应该填写的是( )。[img=135x251]1802d1be41618f0.jpg[/img] A: sum < n B: sum > n C: sum >= n D: sum <= n

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?() A: Pay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.” B: Pay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.” C: “Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.” D: “Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.” E: “Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interest

    What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?() A: Pay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.” B: Pay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.” C: “Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.” D: “Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.” E: “Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interest

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    numpy求二维矩阵H每行的和: A: sum(axis=1) B: sum(axis=0) C: sum(axis=-1) D: sum()

    numpy求二维矩阵H每行的和: A: sum(axis=1) B: sum(axis=0) C: sum(axis=-1) D: sum()

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    请读程序:#define ADD(x) x+xmain(){int m=1,n=2,k=3;int sum=ADD(m+n)*k;printf(“sum=%d”,sum);}上面程序的运行结果是。 A: 9 B: 10 C: 12 D: 18

    请读程序:#define ADD(x) x+xmain(){int m=1,n=2,k=3;int sum=ADD(m+n)*k;printf(“sum=%d”,sum);}上面程序的运行结果是。 A: 9 B: 10 C: 12 D: 18

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    dict={'1':1,'2':2} theCopy=dict dict['1']=5 sum=dict['1']+theCopy['1'] print(sum)

    dict={'1':1,'2':2} theCopy=dict dict['1']=5 sum=dict['1']+theCopy['1'] print(sum)

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10