【单选题】下列选项中能正确表达 0 成立的逻辑表达式的是 A. x>0 or x<5 B. x>0 and x<1000 C. x>0 & x<1000 D. x>0,x<1000
【单选题】下列选项中能正确表达 0 成立的逻辑表达式的是 A. x>0 or x<5 B. x>0 and x<1000 C. x>0 & x<1000 D. x>0,x<1000
R模拟圆周率的程序如下,错误的代码是( )。k=0;for(i in 1:1000){x A: k=0;for(i in 1:1000) B: x
R模拟圆周率的程序如下,错误的代码是( )。k=0;for(i in 1:1000){x A: k=0;for(i in 1:1000) B: x
题目:给一个不多于5位的正整数,要求:一、求它是几位数,二、逆序打印出各位数字。x = int(input("input a number:"))a = x // 10000________________c = x % 1000 // 100d = x % 100 // 10e = x % 10if a != 0: print ("there are 5 ",e,d,c,b,a)elif b != 0: print ("there are 4 ",d,c,b,a)elif c != 0: print ("there are 3 ",e,d,c)elif d != 0: print ("there are 2 ",e,d)else: print ("there are 1",e) A: b = x // 10000 // 1000 B: b = x % 10000 // 1000 C: b = x // 10000 % 1000 D: b = x % 10000 % 1000
题目:给一个不多于5位的正整数,要求:一、求它是几位数,二、逆序打印出各位数字。x = int(input("input a number:"))a = x // 10000________________c = x % 1000 // 100d = x % 100 // 10e = x % 10if a != 0: print ("there are 5 ",e,d,c,b,a)elif b != 0: print ("there are 4 ",d,c,b,a)elif c != 0: print ("there are 3 ",e,d,c)elif d != 0: print ("there are 2 ",e,d)else: print ("there are 1",e) A: b = x // 10000 // 1000 B: b = x % 10000 // 1000 C: b = x // 10000 % 1000 D: b = x % 10000 % 1000
You are offered an investment opportunity. Its outcomes and probabilities are presented in the following table. X P(X) –$1000 .40 $0 .20 +$1000 .40 The mean of this distribution is _____________.
You are offered an investment opportunity. Its outcomes and probabilities are presented in the following table. X P(X) –$1000 .40 $0 .20 +$1000 .40 The mean of this distribution is _____________.
You are offered an investment opportunity. Its outcomes and probabilities are presented in the following table. X P(X) –$1000 .40 $0 .20 +$1000 .40 Which of the following statements is true?
You are offered an investment opportunity. Its outcomes and probabilities are presented in the following table. X P(X) –$1000 .40 $0 .20 +$1000 .40 Which of the following statements is true?
数据oxabcdef12,按照小端格式存储,初始地址为0x1000,则0xab存储到()存储单元中。 A: 0x1000 B: 0x1001 C: 0x1002 D: 0x1003
数据oxabcdef12,按照小端格式存储,初始地址为0x1000,则0xab存储到()存储单元中。 A: 0x1000 B: 0x1001 C: 0x1002 D: 0x1003
要向地址1000H中写入34H数据,可如下实现_________。 A: XBYTE[0x1000] = 0x34; B: 1000H = 34H; C: XBYTE[0x1000] = 34; D: XBYTE[1000H] = 34H;
要向地址1000H中写入34H数据,可如下实现_________。 A: XBYTE[0x1000] = 0x34; B: 1000H = 34H; C: XBYTE[0x1000] = 34; D: XBYTE[1000H] = 34H;
已知两个二进制数X<br/>= -1000,Y<br/>= +1000,用补码计算X-Y的结果是(<br/>) A: 0 B: 16 C: -16 D: 溢出
已知两个二进制数X<br/>= -1000,Y<br/>= +1000,用补码计算X-Y的结果是(<br/>) A: 0 B: 16 C: -16 D: 溢出
MOV R1, #0x1000 LDR R0, [R1],#4 执行上述指令序列后, R1寄存器的值是() A: 0x1000 B: 0x1004 C: 0x0FFC D: 0x4
MOV R1, #0x1000 LDR R0, [R1],#4 执行上述指令序列后, R1寄存器的值是() A: 0x1000 B: 0x1004 C: 0x0FFC D: 0x4
【单选题】与“y=(x>0?x:x<0?-x:0);”的功能相同的if语句是______。 A. if(x>0) y=x; else if(x<0) y=-x; else y=0; B. if(x) if(x>0) y=x; else if(x<0) y=-x; else y=0; C. y=-x; if(x) if(x>0) y=x; else if(x==0) y=0; else y=-x; D. y=0; if(x>=0) if(x>0) y=x; else y=-x;
【单选题】与“y=(x>0?x:x<0?-x:0);”的功能相同的if语句是______。 A. if(x>0) y=x; else if(x<0) y=-x; else y=0; B. if(x) if(x>0) y=x; else if(x<0) y=-x; else y=0; C. y=-x; if(x) if(x>0) y=x; else if(x==0) y=0; else y=-x; D. y=0; if(x>=0) if(x>0) y=x; else y=-x;