一、实训目的1.能够建立新媒体营销文案创作思维,强化创新意识。2.培养团队合作精神、沟通能力、语言表达能力。3.树立民族品牌意识,讲好“中国故事”。二、实训要求1.分组进行:每3~5人一组,选取一名组长。2.实训形式:小组分工协作,头脑风暴,分析产品,训练文案创作思维,将华为Mate 40 Pro手机的核心卖点转化为新媒体营销文案。三、实训内容华为Mate 40 Pro是华为公司旗下一款手机,2020年10月22日,华为举行Mate 40系列全球发布会,华为Mate 40 Pro正式发布。选择华为Mate 40 Pro的六大理由:非凡性能、非凡设计、非凡影像、非凡快充、非凡体验、非凡安全。请根据本任务中所学得的新媒体营销文案创作思维,将华为Mate 40 Pro的功能性描述转化为营销文案。四、要求提交文案作品并演示分享。
一、实训目的1.能够建立新媒体营销文案创作思维,强化创新意识。2.培养团队合作精神、沟通能力、语言表达能力。3.树立民族品牌意识,讲好“中国故事”。二、实训要求1.分组进行:每3~5人一组,选取一名组长。2.实训形式:小组分工协作,头脑风暴,分析产品,训练文案创作思维,将华为Mate 40 Pro手机的核心卖点转化为新媒体营销文案。三、实训内容华为Mate 40 Pro是华为公司旗下一款手机,2020年10月22日,华为举行Mate 40系列全球发布会,华为Mate 40 Pro正式发布。选择华为Mate 40 Pro的六大理由:非凡性能、非凡设计、非凡影像、非凡快充、非凡体验、非凡安全。请根据本任务中所学得的新媒体营销文案创作思维,将华为Mate 40 Pro的功能性描述转化为营销文案。四、要求提交文案作品并演示分享。
How is Starbucks named?( ) A: It’s named after a mate in White Jacket. B: It’s named after a mate in Moby Dick. C: It’s named after a mate in Typee. D: It’s named after a mate in Omoo.
How is Starbucks named?( ) A: It’s named after a mate in White Jacket. B: It’s named after a mate in Moby Dick. C: It’s named after a mate in Typee. D: It’s named after a mate in Omoo.
( )is not a mate of Zeus.
( )is not a mate of Zeus.
( )was not a mate of Odysseus.
( )was not a mate of Odysseus.
LR Mate系列支持32767个标签。
LR Mate系列支持32767个标签。
What does a pilot or first mate do on a ship?
What does a pilot or first mate do on a ship?
______ his command were the pilot or first mate, and the crew.
______ his command were the pilot or first mate, and the crew.
‘Mate’ is a popular word for addressing men in Britain and Australia, but not in North America.
‘Mate’ is a popular word for addressing men in Britain and Australia, but not in North America.