()至少陈酿4年才能进行勾兑和装瓶销售。 A: AScotch Whisky B: BIrish Whisky C: CCanadian Whisky D: DAmerican Whisky
()至少陈酿4年才能进行勾兑和装瓶销售。 A: AScotch Whisky B: BIrish Whisky C: CCanadian Whisky D: DAmerican Whisky
Rye, United Kingdom
Rye, United Kingdom
Relating to the title, what does a catcher catch in the rye? A: Children B: Locusts C: Crows D: Rye
Relating to the title, what does a catcher catch in the rye? A: Children B: Locusts C: Crows D: Rye
The birthplace of whisky is India.
The birthplace of whisky is India.
Could you tell the ways of drinking whisky?
Could you tell the ways of drinking whisky?
威士忌酸(Whisky Sour)的原料包括
威士忌酸(Whisky Sour)的原料包括
Whisky and soda _____(be) delicious, so I often drink it.
Whisky and soda _____(be) delicious, so I often drink it.
“rye bread”的中文意思是花辫面包。
“rye bread”的中文意思是花辫面包。
中国大学MOOC: Which of the following themes are involved in The Catcher in the Rye?
中国大学MOOC: Which of the following themes are involved in The Catcher in the Rye?