I will help you, so you_____worry about it.
I will help you, so you_____worry about it.
Don't ______. You'll cross the bridges when you come to them. A: have worry B: be worried C: worry
Don't ______. You'll cross the bridges when you come to them. A: have worry B: be worried C: worry
You worry that you’ll __1__(leave) out if you keep quiet.
You worry that you’ll __1__(leave) out if you keep quiet.
Insecurity is the root of _____. If you are secure with yourself and your relationships, you have nothing to worry about.
Insecurity is the root of _____. If you are secure with yourself and your relationships, you have nothing to worry about.
If I (be) ______you, I wouldn’t worry about it.
If I (be) ______you, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Worry and negative thoughts can bog you down and keep you from feeling your best.
Worry and negative thoughts can bog you down and keep you from feeling your best.
Don’t worry; you will be brought tomeet the boss in a few minutes.
Don’t worry; you will be brought tomeet the boss in a few minutes.
It is impossible for you to avoid mistakes when you’re in such a _______. A: speed B: hastening C: worry D: hurry
It is impossible for you to avoid mistakes when you’re in such a _______. A: speed B: hastening C: worry D: hurry
Which idiom means you will not worry about a possible problem but will deal with it if it happens?
Which idiom means you will not worry about a possible problem but will deal with it if it happens?
If you go an hour before closing time, you won't have to worry about what time it is.
If you go an hour before closing time, you won't have to worry about what time it is.