What are the official languages spoken in Wales?? English and Gaelic|English and Welsh|Welsh and Gaelic|Gaelic and Welsh
What are the official languages spoken in Wales?? English and Gaelic|English and Welsh|Welsh and Gaelic|Gaelic and Welsh
Today, a quarter of the Welsh still speak Welsh as their first language. _________
Today, a quarter of the Welsh still speak Welsh as their first language. _________
Powell River, Canada
Powell River, Canada
The Scots, Welsh and Irish are descendents of ___________.
The Scots, Welsh and Irish are descendents of ___________.
中国大学MOOC: The English and Welsh are both Celtic Language.
中国大学MOOC: The English and Welsh are both Celtic Language.
His parents, Luther and Maud Powell, (3)______to the United States from Jamaica.
His parents, Luther and Maud Powell, (3)______to the United States from Jamaica.
Robert Burns was a ______ poet. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish
Robert Burns was a ______ poet. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish
TheuniversitiesofSt.Andrews, Glasgow,AberdeenandEdinburgharecalledthe_________fouruniversities. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish
TheuniversitiesofSt.Andrews, Glasgow,AberdeenandEdinburgharecalledthe_________fouruniversities. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish