查询goods中所有记录。 A: select all from goods; B: select distinct from goods; C: select * from goods; D: select from goods;
查询goods中所有记录。 A: select all from goods; B: select distinct from goods; C: select * from goods; D: select from goods;
下列的查询语句哪一项是错误的(选一项) A: Select * from stumarks where score>=60 B: Select * from (select * from stumarks where score>=60) C: Select * from (select * from stumarks where score>=60) as temp D: Select * from (select * from stumarks ) as temp where score>=60
下列的查询语句哪一项是错误的(选一项) A: Select * from stumarks where score>=60 B: Select * from (select * from stumarks where score>=60) C: Select * from (select * from stumarks where score>=60) as temp D: Select * from (select * from stumarks ) as temp where score>=60
下列( )语句不能实现分析查询语句。 A: DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; B: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; C: SHOW SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; D: DESC SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo;
下列( )语句不能实现分析查询语句。 A: DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; B: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; C: SHOW SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo; D: DESC SELECT * FROM tb_bookinfo;
查询数据表goods中的数据,命令是 A: select * from goods; B: select * from goods C: select * fromgoods; D: select from goods;
查询数据表goods中的数据,命令是 A: select * from goods; B: select * from goods C: select * fromgoods; D: select from goods;
下列命令不能执行的是()。 A: SELECT*FROM[select] B: SELECT*FROM@MyTable C: SELECT*FROM[MyTable] D: SELECT*FROMMyTable
下列命令不能执行的是()。 A: SELECT*FROM[select] B: SELECT*FROM@MyTable C: SELECT*FROM[MyTable] D: SELECT*FROMMyTable
以下语句不正确的是( ) A: select * from emp; B: select ename,hiredate,sal from emp; C: select * from emp order deptno; D: select * from where deptno=1
以下语句不正确的是( ) A: select * from emp; B: select ename,hiredate,sal from emp; C: select * from emp order deptno; D: select * from where deptno=1
下列查询中,属于相关子查询的有()。 A: SELECT * FROM student WHERE sno IN (SELECT sno FROM sc WHERE cno='1'); B: SELECT sno, cno FROM SC x WEHRE grade>=(SELECT AVG(grade) FROM SC y WHERE y.sno = x.sno); C: SELECT sname FROM student WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sc WHERE sno=student.sno AND cno='1'); D: SELECT sname FROM student WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM course WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sc WHERE sc.sno=student.sno AND sc.cno=course.cno));
下列查询中,属于相关子查询的有()。 A: SELECT * FROM student WHERE sno IN (SELECT sno FROM sc WHERE cno='1'); B: SELECT sno, cno FROM SC x WEHRE grade>=(SELECT AVG(grade) FROM SC y WHERE y.sno = x.sno); C: SELECT sname FROM student WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sc WHERE sno=student.sno AND cno='1'); D: SELECT sname FROM student WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM course WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sc WHERE sc.sno=student.sno AND sc.cno=course.cno));
查询goods表中有几种类型的商品 A: select * from goods; B: select type from goods; C: select type distinct from goods; D: select distinct type from goods;
查询goods表中有几种类型的商品 A: select * from goods; B: select type from goods; C: select type distinct from goods; D: select distinct type from goods;
以下语句哪个是正确的Select查询语句( ) A: select * from use B: select distinct username user; C: select * from user where ; D: select * from user username=’李四’;
以下语句哪个是正确的Select查询语句( ) A: select * from use B: select distinct username user; C: select * from user where ; D: select * from user username=’李四’;