• 2022-06-17 问题

    The language of English menu is _____1_____ and ___2_____.

    The language of English menu is _____1_____ and ___2_____.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Nelson Mandela: As well as vision and inspiration and momentum, he also has a magical charisma, even on TV, and is clearly able to _____1_____. Winston Churchill: He was a very good leader for one period in British history although he was not seen to be a very good leader _____2_____. (He was in politics from the first world war until the 1950s and was not always successful.) Bernie Ellis: He coached Max’s rowing team when he was at University. He was a brilliant leader because he was very _____3_____ and he inspired them to row fast.

    Nelson Mandela: As well as vision and inspiration and momentum, he also has a magical charisma, even on TV, and is clearly able to _____1_____. Winston Churchill: He was a very good leader for one period in British history although he was not seen to be a very good leader _____2_____. (He was in politics from the first world war until the 1950s and was not always successful.) Bernie Ellis: He coached Max’s rowing team when he was at University. He was a brilliant leader because he was very _____3_____ and he inspired them to row fast.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    M: Hi, what have you been _____1_____ recently? W: Study. You know, the exam is coming in two weeks. M: Exam? What exam? W: Oh, you don’t know. It’s for a certificate in _____2_____. M: Great. Those skills are necessary and widely used. W: Right. Plus, I want to learn something ______3______ my major. M: That’s good. It’s better to ______4______ ourselves with multiple skills, which are what employers ______5______. W: Agree. That’s why I’ve been teaching myself new things.

    M: Hi, what have you been _____1_____ recently? W: Study. You know, the exam is coming in two weeks. M: Exam? What exam? W: Oh, you don’t know. It’s for a certificate in _____2_____. M: Great. Those skills are necessary and widely used. W: Right. Plus, I want to learn something ______3______ my major. M: That’s good. It’s better to ______4______ ourselves with multiple skills, which are what employers ______5______. W: Agree. That’s why I’ve been teaching myself new things.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Dialogue1W:Youdidntringmelastnight.Yousaidyouwould.你昨晚没有打电话给我。你说你会打的。M: ___1______ tohavemadeyoudisappointed.对不起,我让你失望了。W:Thatsallright.Butwhywereyousorudetomeatlunch.没关系。但是吃午餐的时候你为什么对这么不礼貌。M:WasI?Sorry,Ididn’tmeantobe.Ido ___2_____.我有吗?对不起,我不是故意的。我道歉。W:Andwhyareyouyarningnow?Areyoubored?你很无聊吗?M: _____3_____ darling.Imverytired.亲爱的,原谅我。我真的很累。

    中国大学MOOC: Dialogue1W:Youdidntringmelastnight.Yousaidyouwould.你昨晚没有打电话给我。你说你会打的。M: ___1______ tohavemadeyoudisappointed.对不起,我让你失望了。W:Thatsallright.Butwhywereyousorudetomeatlunch.没关系。但是吃午餐的时候你为什么对这么不礼貌。M:WasI?Sorry,Ididn’tmeantobe.Ido ___2_____.我有吗?对不起,我不是故意的。我道歉。W:Andwhyareyouyarningnow?Areyoubored?你很无聊吗?M: _____3_____ darling.Imverytired.亲爱的,原谅我。我真的很累。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】NO 2 、NO 2 - 、NO 2 + 键角大小关系正确的是 。 A. NO 2 > NO 2 - >NO 2 + B. NO 2 + >NO 2 >NO 2 - C. NO 2 - > NO 2 >NO 2 + D. NO 2 + > NO 2 - >NO 2

    【单选题】NO 2 、NO 2 - 、NO 2 + 键角大小关系正确的是 。 A. NO 2 > NO 2 - >NO 2 + B. NO 2 + >NO 2 >NO 2 - C. NO 2 - > NO 2 >NO 2 + D. NO 2 + > NO 2 - >NO 2

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    求定积分[img=179x43]17da65388c0b1ca.png[/img]; ( ) A: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 B: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 - 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 C: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 D: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 + 1/2

    求定积分[img=179x43]17da65388c0b1ca.png[/img]; ( ) A: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 B: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 - 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 C: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 D: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 + 1/2

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    2 + 2 * (2 * 2 - 2) % 2 / 3

    2 + 2 * (2 * 2 - 2) % 2 / 3

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    函数z=xsiny在点(1,π/4)处的两个偏导数分别为 A: √2/2,√2/2 B: √2/2,-√2/2 C: -√2/2,-√2/2 D: -√2/2,√2/2

    函数z=xsiny在点(1,π/4)处的两个偏导数分别为 A: √2/2,√2/2 B: √2/2,-√2/2 C: -√2/2,-√2/2 D: -√2/2,√2/2

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-07-25 问题

    HbF的构成主要是() A: α2β2 B: α2δ2 C: ζ2ε2 D: α2γ2 E: ζ2γ2

    HbF的构成主要是() A: α2β2 B: α2δ2 C: ζ2ε2 D: α2γ2 E: ζ2γ2

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