• 2022-06-11 问题

    亚马逊表示,今年前三个月的利润与2019年相比下降了29%。 A: Amazon said that its profit for the first three months of this year decreased by 29% compared with that in 2019. B: Amazon said its profit during the first three months of this year were down 29% from 2019. C: Amazon said the profit of the first three months is 29% decreased than 2019. D: Amazon said its profits for the first three months of this year plunged by 29% compared to 2019.

    亚马逊表示,今年前三个月的利润与2019年相比下降了29%。 A: Amazon said that its profit for the first three months of this year decreased by 29% compared with that in 2019. B: Amazon said its profit during the first three months of this year were down 29% from 2019. C: Amazon said the profit of the first three months is 29% decreased than 2019. D: Amazon said its profits for the first three months of this year plunged by 29% compared to 2019.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    A normal year has 12 lunar months with about _____ days in each month, and during the leap year an extra month is added.( )。 A: 29 B: 28 C: 31 D: 30

    A normal year has 12 lunar months with about _____ days in each month, and during the leap year an extra month is added.( )。 A: 29 B: 28 C: 31 D: 30

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    29 How many US universities are there in the top 100 list this year() A: More than 30. B: More than 50. C: More than 20,

    29 How many US universities are there in the top 100 list this year() A: More than 30. B: More than 50. C: More than 20,

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    For economic reasons, The Lord of the Rings was published in volumes over the course of a year from 29 July 1954 to 20 October 1955. These volumes were titled and The Return of the King.

    For economic reasons, The Lord of the Rings was published in volumes over the course of a year from 29 July 1954 to 20 October 1955. These volumes were titled and The Return of the King.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    The number of students participating in online courses varies  . A: year to year B: year and year C: year by year D: year on year

    The number of students participating in online courses varies  . A: year to year B: year and year C: year by year D: year on year

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    This year is the year of Gengzi, and next year is the year of ___________.

    This year is the year of Gengzi, and next year is the year of ___________.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    判定year是否为闰年的表达式是 A: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 <> 0 B: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 != 0 C: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 D: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 <> 0

    判定year是否为闰年的表达式是 A: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 <> 0 B: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 != 0 C: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 D: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 <> 0

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    21() A: next year B: that year C: this year D: by year

    21() A: next year B: that year C: this year D: by year

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    使用变量year代表年份,以下表示判断year是否为闰年的布尔表达式是 。 A: (year % 4 == 0) and (not(year % 100 == 0)) or (year % 400 == 0) B: (year % 4 == 0) and (not(year % 400 == 0)) or (year % 100 == 0) C: (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 == 0) or (year % 400 == 0) D: (year % 4 == 0) or (not(year % 100 == 0)) and (year % 400 == 0)

    使用变量year代表年份,以下表示判断year是否为闰年的布尔表达式是 。 A: (year % 4 == 0) and (not(year % 100 == 0)) or (year % 400 == 0) B: (year % 4 == 0) and (not(year % 400 == 0)) or (year % 100 == 0) C: (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 == 0) or (year % 400 == 0) D: (year % 4 == 0) or (not(year % 100 == 0)) and (year % 400 == 0)

  • 2022-07-27 问题

    题:(拓展)下面哪些表达式能够判断某年year不是闰年。 A: not(( year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 ) or ( year%400==0 )) B: not( year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 ) and not ( year%400==0 ) C: year%4!=0 or year%100 ==0 and ( year%400 !=0 ) D: year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 or ( year%400==0 )

    题:(拓展)下面哪些表达式能够判断某年year不是闰年。 A: not(( year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 ) or ( year%400==0 )) B: not( year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 ) and not ( year%400==0 ) C: year%4!=0 or year%100 ==0 and ( year%400 !=0 ) D: year%4==0 and year%100 !=0 or ( year%400==0 )

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