以下程序代码对Customer的name属性修改了两次: tx = session.beginTransaction(); Customer customer=(Customer)session.load(Customer.class, new Long(1)); customer.setName("Jack"); customer.setName("Mike"); tx.commit(); 执行以上程序,Hibernate需要向数据库提交几条update语句?
以下程序代码对Customer的name属性修改了两次: tx = session.beginTransaction(); Customer customer=(Customer)session.load(Customer.class, new Long(1)); customer.setName("Jack"); customer.setName("Mike"); tx.commit(); 执行以上程序,Hibernate需要向数据库提交几条update语句?
以下代码中,实例方法定义正确的是() A: class Student: def setName(self,name): self.name=name B: class Student: def setName(name): self.name=name C: class Student: def setName(self): self.name=name D: class Student: def setName(name,self): self.name=name
以下代码中,实例方法定义正确的是() A: class Student: def setName(self,name): self.name=name B: class Student: def setName(name): self.name=name C: class Student: def setName(self): self.name=name D: class Student: def setName(name,self): self.name=name
B2C是英文( )的缩写。 A: Business to Customer B: Business 2 Customer C: Customer to Customer D: Customer 2 Customer
B2C是英文( )的缩写。 A: Business to Customer B: Business 2 Customer C: Customer to Customer D: Customer 2 Customer
C2C Customer to Customer
C2C Customer to Customer
In Maketing, customer needs are similar to customer wants, but different from customer demands.
In Maketing, customer needs are similar to customer wants, but different from customer demands.
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a recognized definition of customer service? A. Customer service as an activity B. Customer service as a theory C. Customer service as performance measures D. Customer service as a philosophy
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a recognized definition of customer service? A. Customer service as an activity B. Customer service as a theory C. Customer service as performance measures D. Customer service as a philosophy
更改线程优先级的方法是() A: setPriority B: setName C: setDaemon D: getPriority
更改线程优先级的方法是() A: setPriority B: setName C: setDaemon D: getPriority
设置线程优先级的方法是() A: setPriority() B: getPriority() C: getName() D: setName()
设置线程优先级的方法是() A: setPriority() B: getPriority() C: getName() D: setName()
The costs of _______ are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers. A: customer satisfaction B: customer loyalty C: customer value D: customer retention
The costs of _______ are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers. A: customer satisfaction B: customer loyalty C: customer value D: customer retention
______ as you are, we can’t offer you more discount. A: A frequent customer B: Frequent customer C: Frequently customer D: A frequently customer
______ as you are, we can’t offer you more discount. A: A frequent customer B: Frequent customer C: Frequently customer D: A frequently customer