Tom is scared that they are going to laugh at him, ______, isolate him.
Tom is scared that they are going to laugh at him, ______, isolate him.
It is the hospital's policy to___ any patient who is suffering from an infectious disease. A: differentiate B: distinguish C: isolate. D: separate
It is the hospital's policy to___ any patient who is suffering from an infectious disease. A: differentiate B: distinguish C: isolate. D: separate
在Linux桌面环境中,若要切换进入字符界面,以下命令中,可实现的是()。 A: systemCtl isolAte grAphiCAl.tArget B: systemCtl reBoot C: stArtx D: systemCtl isolAte multi-user.tArget
在Linux桌面环境中,若要切换进入字符界面,以下命令中,可实现的是()。 A: systemCtl isolAte grAphiCAl.tArget B: systemCtl reBoot C: stArtx D: systemCtl isolAte multi-user.tArget
She seems determined to isolate herself ______ everyone. A: to B: from C: y D: in
She seems determined to isolate herself ______ everyone. A: to B: from C: y D: in
Isolate the facility from the general mine air circuit is the methods for reducing exposure to silica dust.
Isolate the facility from the general mine air circuit is the methods for reducing exposure to silica dust.
以下表达“分离”的英语词汇是_______。 A: isolate B: sythesize C: investigate D: undergo
以下表达“分离”的英语词汇是_______。 A: isolate B: sythesize C: investigate D: undergo
以下表达“合成”的英语词汇是_______。 A: detemine B: synthesize C: isolate D: discover
以下表达“合成”的英语词汇是_______。 A: detemine B: synthesize C: isolate D: discover
以下表达“调查”的英语词汇是_______。 A: investigate B: determine C: calculate D: isolate
以下表达“调查”的英语词汇是_______。 A: investigate B: determine C: calculate D: isolate
It is impossible to isolate political responsibility ( ) moral responsibility. A: out of B: above C: from D: under
It is impossible to isolate political responsibility ( ) moral responsibility. A: out of B: above C: from D: under
以下表达“测定”的英语词汇是_______。 A: isolate B: detemine C: design D: synthesize
以下表达“测定”的英语词汇是_______。 A: isolate B: detemine C: design D: synthesize