49() A: production B: possession C: purchase D: pursuit
49() A: production B: possession C: purchase D: pursuit
The new advertisement is targeted _______ customers purchase high-end consumption goods. A: toward B: at C: for
The new advertisement is targeted _______ customers purchase high-end consumption goods. A: toward B: at C: for
The production of paper bags will not cause any energy consumption or waste any material.
The production of paper bags will not cause any energy consumption or waste any material.
When a nation is in autarky and maximizes its living standard, its consumption and production points are:
When a nation is in autarky and maximizes its living standard, its consumption and production points are:
The new advertisement is targeted ____ customers who can purchase high-end consumption goods(高档消费品). A: toward B: at C: for
The new advertisement is targeted ____ customers who can purchase high-end consumption goods(高档消费品). A: toward B: at C: for
Content convergence describes convergence in the design, production, and ________ of content. A: sales B: marketing C: consumption D: distribution
Content convergence describes convergence in the design, production, and ________ of content. A: sales B: marketing C: consumption D: distribution
To the country of production or the country of consumption, the trade made through the third country is indirect trade; to the third country, it is entrepot trade.
To the country of production or the country of consumption, the trade made through the third country is indirect trade; to the third country, it is entrepot trade.
Steel works are encouraged to purchase ______ iron so as to reduce the consumption of natural resources. A: scrap B: scrape C: scratch D: snap
Steel works are encouraged to purchase ______ iron so as to reduce the consumption of natural resources. A: scrap B: scrape C: scratch D: snap
If the economy shown in the diagram moves from position A to position B, we would know that ( ) A: the rate of unemployment increased. B: consumption goods production increased, but capital goods production decreased. C: its unemployment decreased, but at the expense of either capital or consumption good production. D: it has achieved full employment of resources.
If the economy shown in the diagram moves from position A to position B, we would know that ( ) A: the rate of unemployment increased. B: consumption goods production increased, but capital goods production decreased. C: its unemployment decreased, but at the expense of either capital or consumption good production. D: it has achieved full employment of resources.
In this article the world's __________ are summarized on the basis of available estimates, and the future energy consumption is estimated with the aid of a working hypothesis relating to the growth of the world's population and the energy consumption per capita. A: past energy consumption B: daily energy production C: potential energy reserves
In this article the world's __________ are summarized on the basis of available estimates, and the future energy consumption is estimated with the aid of a working hypothesis relating to the growth of the world's population and the energy consumption per capita. A: past energy consumption B: daily energy production C: potential energy reserves