Emails and Memos What's difference between emails and memos?
Emails and Memos What's difference between emails and memos?
Business emails are similar to personal emails in tones and words choosing.
Business emails are similar to personal emails in tones and words choosing.
Business letters share nothing with business emails. ( )
Business letters share nothing with business emails. ( )
Cybercriminals often send their victims spam emails.
Cybercriminals often send their victims spam emails.
The first thing he doeseverymorninginthe officeisto_______ emails.
The first thing he doeseverymorninginthe officeisto_______ emails.
Read other people's letters and emails.
Read other people's letters and emails.
Never read people's letters and emails.
Never read people's letters and emails.
Read the emails again and explain how you categorized the emails asformal or informal.Email 1 is_____________________because______________________________________________________.Email 2 is______________________because_____________________________________________________.
Read the emails again and explain how you categorized the emails asformal or informal.Email 1 is_____________________because______________________________________________________.Email 2 is______________________because_____________________________________________________.
As with any piece of business writing, careful _____________ is crucial with emails.
As with any piece of business writing, careful _____________ is crucial with emails.
Never read other people’s letters and emails.
Never read other people’s letters and emails.