一只“220V,100W”灯泡工作时电阻为484Ω,测它不工作时电阻()。 A: 等于484Ω B: 略大于484Ω C: 小于484Ω D: 远大于484Ω
一只“220V,100W”灯泡工作时电阻为484Ω,测它不工作时电阻()。 A: 等于484Ω B: 略大于484Ω C: 小于484Ω D: 远大于484Ω
一只“220V、100W”的灯泡工作电阻为484Ω,拿同样一只灯泡测量它不工作时的电阻应() A: 大于484Ω B: 小于484Ω C: 等于484Ω D: 无法确定
一只“220V、100W”的灯泡工作电阻为484Ω,拿同样一只灯泡测量它不工作时的电阻应() A: 大于484Ω B: 小于484Ω C: 等于484Ω D: 无法确定
已知R=100Ω上电压u=311sin(314t+300)v,则电阻上有功功率P和无功功率Q分别为 A: 484W/0va B: 0W/484 va C: 484 var/0w D: 1000w/484 va
已知R=100Ω上电压u=311sin(314t+300)v,则电阻上有功功率P和无功功率Q分别为 A: 484W/0va B: 0W/484 va C: 484 var/0w D: 1000w/484 va
BBC One and BBC Three are the flagship channels of BBC.
BBC One and BBC Three are the flagship channels of BBC.
Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true? A: The BBC is run under a Royal Charter since its establishment. B: Today the BBC provides more radio broadcasting than television output. C: The BBC provides not only national broadcasting service but also world service. D: The BBC is a private corporation.
Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true? A: The BBC is run under a Royal Charter since its establishment. B: Today the BBC provides more radio broadcasting than television output. C: The BBC provides not only national broadcasting service but also world service. D: The BBC is a private corporation.
Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true? A: There is no advertising on any of the BBCprogrammes. B: The BBC is funded by license fees paidby people who possess television sets C: The BBC has four channels. D: The BBC provides the World Servicethroughout the world.
Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true? A: There is no advertising on any of the BBCprogrammes. B: The BBC is funded by license fees paidby people who possess television sets C: The BBC has four channels. D: The BBC provides the World Servicethroughout the world.
Which of the following four statements about British Broadcasting Corporation is false? A: It is sometimes referred to as “Auntie” or “the Beeb”. B: The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain". C: The motto of the BBC is "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation". D: BBC One and BBC Three are the two flagship channels of BBC television channels.
Which of the following four statements about British Broadcasting Corporation is false? A: It is sometimes referred to as “Auntie” or “the Beeb”. B: The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain". C: The motto of the BBC is "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation". D: BBC One and BBC Three are the two flagship channels of BBC television channels.
The BBC is funded by ______.
The BBC is funded by ______.