• 2022-06-19 问题

    Note 5: An __________ out of the US may be necessary

    Note 5: An __________ out of the US may be necessary

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    Studying the humanities makes us (5) (5) with the language of emotion and the creative (6) (6).

    Studying the humanities makes us (5) (5) with the language of emotion and the creative (6) (6).

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    电路如图所示,已知当Us=20V时,Uab=10V,当Us=0V时,Uab=()V。[img=397x276]1803bc408f9f382.png[/img] A: 5 B: -5 C: 10 D: -10

    电路如图所示,已知当Us=20V时,Uab=10V,当Us=0V时,Uab=()V。[img=397x276]1803bc408f9f382.png[/img] A: 5 B: -5 C: 10 D: -10

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    5、下列推导错在( )。 ① P ② US① ③ ES② ④ UG③9dc8043811dcc15fa771a11cbee3711a.png7fc996eaa72f70f8373b22bdf138443a.png11dffe9e59db2ba8807e46614b027321.pngcafea6836f603efb69ac68a25ee0c714.png

    5、下列推导错在( )。 ① P ② US① ③ ES② ④ UG③9dc8043811dcc15fa771a11cbee3711a.png7fc996eaa72f70f8373b22bdf138443a.png11dffe9e59db2ba8807e46614b027321.pngcafea6836f603efb69ac68a25ee0c714.png

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Please quote us your lowest price, CIF London, including our 5% ________.

    Please quote us your lowest price, CIF London, including our 5% ________.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Huawei, a Chinese firm, received 5 million US dollars from its sales in the US and deposited them into BoA (a US bank). A: China's nancial account gets a positive entry of 5 million. B: China's nancial account gets a negative entry of 5 million. C: China's nancial account does not change. D: It is not clear how the nancial account of China would change.

    Huawei, a Chinese firm, received 5 million US dollars from its sales in the US and deposited them into BoA (a US bank). A: China's nancial account gets a positive entry of 5 million. B: China's nancial account gets a negative entry of 5 million. C: China's nancial account does not change. D: It is not clear how the nancial account of China would change.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Please quote us your lowest prices. CIF Vancouver, including our 5% commission.

    Please quote us your lowest prices. CIF Vancouver, including our 5% commission.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    5) We generally think that it is no good thing if someone would like to offer us a______.

    5) We generally think that it is no good thing if someone would like to offer us a______.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5% commission.

    We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5% commission.

  • 2022-10-30 问题

    Fill in the blanks with the following expressions. This offer is ________ your reply reaching us within 5 days.

    Fill in the blanks with the following expressions. This offer is ________ your reply reaching us within 5 days.

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10