()年3月14日,中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过《反分裂国家法》。 A: 1979 B: 1980 C: 2005
()年3月14日,中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过《反分裂国家法》。 A: 1979 B: 1980 C: 2005
By the late 1980’s Hip-hop had become more popular than rock music in America.
By the late 1980’s Hip-hop had become more popular than rock music in America.
【单选题】有以下定义和语句 struct workers { int num;char name[20];char c; struct{int day; int month; int year; } s; } ; struct workers w,*pw; pw=&w; 能给 w 中 year 成员赋 1980 的语句是 () A. (*pw).s.year=1980; B. w.year=1980; C. pw‐>year=1980; D. pw.s.year=1980;
【单选题】有以下定义和语句 struct workers { int num;char name[20];char c; struct{int day; int month; int year; } s; } ; struct workers w,*pw; pw=&w; 能给 w 中 year 成员赋 1980 的语句是 () A. (*pw).s.year=1980; B. w.year=1980; C. pw‐>year=1980; D. pw.s.year=1980;
She has been working in this factory (). A: in 1980 B: after 1980 C: since 1980 D: until 1980
She has been working in this factory (). A: in 1980 B: after 1980 C: since 1980 D: until 1980
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{ int num; char name[20]; struct { int year;int month;int day;}birth;};struct student s;下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是( ) A: year=1980; month=6; day=11; B: birth.year=1980;birth.month=6;birth.day=11; C: s.year=1980; s.month=6; s.day=11; D: s.birth.year=1980; s.birth.month=6; s.birth.day=11;
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{ int num; char name[20]; struct { int year;int month;int day;}birth;};struct student s;下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是( ) A: year=1980; month=6; day=11; B: birth.year=1980;birth.month=6;birth.day=11; C: s.year=1980; s.month=6; s.day=11; D: s.birth.year=1980; s.birth.month=6; s.birth.day=11;
1. Since the year ______ , July 11 is celebrated as China’s National Maritime Day to commemorate Zheng He’s first voyage. A: 2001 B: 2003 C: 2005 D: 2007
1. Since the year ______ , July 11 is celebrated as China’s National Maritime Day to commemorate Zheng He’s first voyage. A: 2001 B: 2003 C: 2005 D: 2007
A. 1980
A. 1980
【单选题】下述对出生日期进行比较的表达式中,正确的是 A. 出生日期 >‘1980/1/1’ B. 出生日期 > 1980/1/1 C. 出生日期 > 1980:1:1 D. 出生日期 > ‘1980:1:1’
【单选题】下述对出生日期进行比较的表达式中,正确的是 A. 出生日期 >‘1980/1/1’ B. 出生日期 > 1980/1/1 C. 出生日期 > 1980:1:1 D. 出生日期 > ‘1980:1:1’