• 2022-06-04 问题

    与肝癌发病相关的生物因素有(). A: HBV B: H.pylori C: EBV D: HCV E: HHV-8

    与肝癌发病相关的生物因素有(). A: HBV B: H.pylori C: EBV D: HCV E: HHV-8

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    与肝癌发病相关的生物因素有()。 A: HBV B: C: pylori D: EBV E: HCV F: HHV-8

    与肝癌发病相关的生物因素有()。 A: HBV B: C: pylori D: EBV E: HCV F: HHV-8

  • 2022-06-02 问题

    Which is not included in the risk factors for gastric cancer A: Dietary B: Helicobacter pylori C: Salted food D: EB virus E: Smoking and Drinking

    Which is not included in the risk factors for gastric cancer A: Dietary B: Helicobacter pylori C: Salted food D: EB virus E: Smoking and Drinking

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    消化性溃疡的最终发生是主要是下列哪项作用的结果 ( ) A: H.pylori B: 非甾体消炎药 C: 胃蛋白酶 D: 胃酸/胃蛋白酶

    消化性溃疡的最终发生是主要是下列哪项作用的结果 ( ) A: H.pylori B: 非甾体消炎药 C: 胃蛋白酶 D: 胃酸/胃蛋白酶

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Succussion splash resulting from A: partial or complete gastric outlet obstruction B: gastrointestinal bleeding C: Helicobacter pylori infection D: heavy alcohol use

    Succussion splash resulting from A: partial or complete gastric outlet obstruction B: gastrointestinal bleeding C: Helicobacter pylori infection D: heavy alcohol use

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    消化性溃疡的最终发生是主要是下列哪项作用的结果 A: pylori B: 非甾体消炎药 C: 胃酸 D: 胃蛋白酶 E: 胃酸/胃蛋白酶

    消化性溃疡的最终发生是主要是下列哪项作用的结果 A: pylori B: 非甾体消炎药 C: 胃酸 D: 胃蛋白酶 E: 胃酸/胃蛋白酶

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    下列各项中,哪项是慢性胃炎的主要病因() A: 遗传因素 B: 胃酸分泌过多 C: 应激和心理因素Pylori感染 D: 吸烟

    下列各项中,哪项是慢性胃炎的主要病因() A: 遗传因素 B: 胃酸分泌过多 C: 应激和心理因素Pylori感染 D: 吸烟

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following is the most important approach in healing peptic ulcers? A: Neutralizing secreted gastric acid B: Blocking receptor activation of gastric acid secretion C: Inhibiting secretion of gastric acid at the proton pump D: Eradicating infection with H.pylori E: Coating the ulcer crater

    Which of the following is the most important approach in healing peptic ulcers? A: Neutralizing secreted gastric acid B: Blocking receptor activation of gastric acid secretion C: Inhibiting secretion of gastric acid at the proton pump D: Eradicating infection with H.pylori E: Coating the ulcer crater

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    What are the drugs that are often used jointly to destroy helicobacter pylori? A: Omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin or metronidazole B: Colloidal al-magnesium mixture + colloidal bismuth subcitrate + lansoprazole C: Ranitidine + sucralin + prostaglandin E D: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate + prostaglandin E+ sucraland

    What are the drugs that are often used jointly to destroy helicobacter pylori? A: Omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin or metronidazole B: Colloidal al-magnesium mixture + colloidal bismuth subcitrate + lansoprazole C: Ranitidine + sucralin + prostaglandin E D: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate + prostaglandin E+ sucraland

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    将共价键⑴C—H,⑵N—H,⑶F—H,⑷O—H按极性由大到小的顺序进行排列为()。 A: F—H>O—H>N—H>C—H B: O—H>F—H>N—H>C—H C: O—H>N—H>F—H>C—H D: C—H>N—H>O—H>F—H

    将共价键⑴C—H,⑵N—H,⑶F—H,⑷O—H按极性由大到小的顺序进行排列为()。 A: F—H>O—H>N—H>C—H B: O—H>F—H>N—H>C—H C: O—H>N—H>F—H>C—H D: C—H>N—H>O—H>F—H

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