下列哪些是合法的整型常量? A: 8A B: 069 C: ox2B D: 0033
下列哪些是合法的整型常量? A: 8A B: 069 C: ox2B D: 0033
一期闸机普通通道机芯L的型号为() A: WIDE DX ME069 B: WIDE SX ME070 C: STD DX ME065 D: STD DX ME066
一期闸机普通通道机芯L的型号为() A: WIDE DX ME069 B: WIDE SX ME070 C: STD DX ME065 D: STD DX ME066
根据《2号线行车组织规则》图定列车服务号范围为()。 A: 001~069 B: 001~099 C: 002~199 D: 003~299
根据《2号线行车组织规则》图定列车服务号范围为()。 A: 001~069 B: 001~099 C: 002~199 D: 003~299
They offered a job that I like. A: me B: to me C: with me D: me to
They offered a job that I like. A: me B: to me C: with me D: me to
【单选题】The dinner is __________(我请客)? A. on me B. in me C. for me D. to me
【单选题】The dinner is __________(我请客)? A. on me B. in me C. for me D. to me
Mother asked me . A: what was wrong with me B: what’s wrong with me C: what wrong was with me D: what wrong is with me
Mother asked me . A: what was wrong with me B: what’s wrong with me C: what wrong was with me D: what wrong is with me
that there was no time to lose. A: It occurred to me B: It was occurred to me C: As was occurred to me D: What was occurred to me was
that there was no time to lose. A: It occurred to me B: It was occurred to me C: As was occurred to me D: What was occurred to me was
It is foolish ______ such a mistake. A: for me to make B: B. for me making C: of me to make D: D. of me making
It is foolish ______ such a mistake. A: for me to make B: B. for me making C: of me to make D: D. of me making
How about ______ some money A: to give me B: give to me C: giving me D: given to me
How about ______ some money A: to give me B: give to me C: giving me D: given to me
This big noise almost drives me nuts.“drives me nuts ”can also means_______. A: makes me fool B: make me unhappy C: drive me mad D: drive me away
This big noise almost drives me nuts.“drives me nuts ”can also means_______. A: makes me fool B: make me unhappy C: drive me mad D: drive me away