中国大学MOOC: 数组a是个整数数组且已有数据,如要在a中查找InputBox中输入的数字,并输出其下标。程序如下,请在_________处填入适当的内容,完善程序。 Dim i%, idx%, key% key = Val(InputBox("输入要查找的数字")) idx = -1 For i = 0 To UBound(a) If a(i) = key Then _________ Exit For End If Next If idx >= 0 Then MsgBox ("下标为" & idx) Else MsgBox ("找不到此数字") End If
中国大学MOOC: 数组a是个整数数组且已有数据,如要在a中查找InputBox中输入的数字,并输出其下标。程序如下,请在_________处填入适当的内容,完善程序。 Dim i%, idx%, key% key = Val(InputBox("输入要查找的数字")) idx = -1 For i = 0 To UBound(a) If a(i) = key Then _________ Exit For End If Next If idx >= 0 Then MsgBox ("下标为" & idx) Else MsgBox ("找不到此数字") End If
表文件的扩展名为______。 A: DBC B: DBF C: IDX D: PJX
表文件的扩展名为______。 A: DBC B: DBF C: IDX D: PJX
Word文档的后缀名为()。 A: xls B: doc C: idx D: dat
Word文档的后缀名为()。 A: xls B: doc C: idx D: dat
_______________ is true about customers’complaints. A: Most of the customers will complain about the products. B: Many customers don't even bother to complain C: 20% of customers are satisfied with the original company. D: Customers’satisfaction is relatively enough.
_______________ is true about customers’complaints. A: Most of the customers will complain about the products. B: Many customers don't even bother to complain C: 20% of customers are satisfied with the original company. D: Customers’satisfaction is relatively enough.
智慧职教: All the countries are customers or _______customers of the United States.
智慧职教: All the countries are customers or _______customers of the United States.
下列Find函数的功能是在数组里查找数字key,返回该key在数组中的下标,如果找不到则返回-1。请在_________处填入适当的内容完善程序。 Function Find(ByRef a%(), ByVal key%) As Integer Dim idx%, i% idx = -1 For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) If a(i) = key Then _________ Exit Function End If Next Find = idx End Function
下列Find函数的功能是在数组里查找数字key,返回该key在数组中的下标,如果找不到则返回-1。请在_________处填入适当的内容完善程序。 Function Find(ByRef a%(), ByVal key%) As Integer Dim idx%, i% idx = -1 For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) If a(i) = key Then _________ Exit Function End If Next Find = idx End Function
Customers who matter the most mean that those customers are irrelevant to you.
Customers who matter the most mean that those customers are irrelevant to you.
Customers on the high street behave very differently from customers online.
Customers on the high street behave very differently from customers online.
SQLServer事务日志文件的扩展名为() A: mdf B: ndf C: ldf D: idx
SQLServer事务日志文件的扩展名为() A: mdf B: ndf C: ldf D: idx