Set in the fictional world of Middle-earth, the film The Lord of the Rings follows the hobbit as he and a Fellowship embark on a quest to destroy the One Ring, and thus ensure the destruction of its maker, .
Set in the fictional world of Middle-earth, the film The Lord of the Rings follows the hobbit as he and a Fellowship embark on a quest to destroy the One Ring, and thus ensure the destruction of its maker, .
American film-maker/director Alfred Hitchcock is regarded as the master of suspense films. ( )
American film-maker/director Alfred Hitchcock is regarded as the master of suspense films. ( )
… the maker movement is now gaining ground in China … A: The maker movement is being introduced into China. B: The maker movement is becoming popular in China.
… the maker movement is now gaining ground in China … A: The maker movement is being introduced into China. B: The maker movement is becoming popular in China.
...the maker movement is now gaining ground in China...(Para. 4) A: The maker movement is becoming popular in China. B: The maker movement is being introduced into China.
...the maker movement is now gaining ground in China...(Para. 4) A: The maker movement is becoming popular in China. B: The maker movement is being introduced into China.
… the maker movement is now gaining ground in China … A: The<br/>maker movement is becoming popular in China. B: The<br/>maker movement is being introduced into China.
… the maker movement is now gaining ground in China … A: The<br/>maker movement is becoming popular in China. B: The<br/>maker movement is being introduced into China.
关于Maker和Taker的表述正确的是() A: 给出价格的一方是Maker B: 给出量的一方是Maker C: 收到报价的一方是Maker D: 发起询价的一方是Maker
关于Maker和Taker的表述正确的是() A: 给出价格的一方是Maker B: 给出量的一方是Maker C: 收到报价的一方是Maker D: 发起询价的一方是Maker
The ask rate is the rate at which A: the market maker is willing to buy B: the market maker is willing to sell C: the customer is willing to buy D: the customer maker is willing to sell
The ask rate is the rate at which A: the market maker is willing to buy B: the market maker is willing to sell C: the customer is willing to buy D: the customer maker is willing to sell
maker 意思是
maker 意思是
8. coffee maker ( )
8. coffee maker ( )
The type of the film is A: sports film B: action film
The type of the film is A: sports film B: action film