• 2022-05-27 问题

    In the southwestern part of the United States _________ built in the last century. A: they are many abandoned mining towns B: where there are many abandoned mining towns C: are many abandoned mining towns D: many abandoned mining towns are

    In the southwestern part of the United States _________ built in the last century. A: they are many abandoned mining towns B: where there are many abandoned mining towns C: are many abandoned mining towns D: many abandoned mining towns are

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    In the dark forests ________, some large enough to hold several English towns.

    In the dark forests ________, some large enough to hold several English towns.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    In the southwestern part of the United States ______ built in the last century. A: there are many abandoned mining towns B: were many abandoned mining towns C: where there are many abandoned mining towns D: where are many abandoned mining towns

    In the southwestern part of the United States ______ built in the last century. A: there are many abandoned mining towns B: were many abandoned mining towns C: where there are many abandoned mining towns D: where are many abandoned mining towns

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The towns are ______ by a good bus service.

    The towns are ______ by a good bus service.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Cities of a million are considered towns in India.

    Cities of a million are considered towns in India.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    More and more trucks are seen ________ between these two towns these days.

    More and more trucks are seen ________ between these two towns these days.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the building of towns and cities?

    How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the building of towns and cities?

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    These resort towns are largely d_____ in winter. (having no people or things in it; empty)

    These resort towns are largely d_____ in winter. (having no people or things in it; empty)

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    He’sveryfamousnotonlyinBritain,butalsoinmanyother______intheworld.Hewasbornin1812andhelivedinLondon. A: cities B: countries C: towns D: villages

    He’sveryfamousnotonlyinBritain,butalsoinmanyother______intheworld.Hewasbornin1812andhelivedinLondon. A: cities B: countries C: towns D: villages

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    A bicycle is often more { convenient} than a car in towns. A: 方便的 B: 便宜的 C: 完美的时尚的 D: 时尚的

    A bicycle is often more { convenient} than a car in towns. A: 方便的 B: 便宜的 C: 完美的时尚的 D: 时尚的

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