In the inverted pyramid structure, the most important information is put at the very beginning.
In the inverted pyramid structure, the most important information is put at the very beginning.
What is NOT included in the three typical structures of news articles?? Hourglass form.|Inverted pyramid form.|Pyramid form.|Balanced form.
What is NOT included in the three typical structures of news articles?? Hourglass form.|Inverted pyramid form.|Pyramid form.|Balanced form.
Most English news is told in an inverted pyramid structure, unlike the structure of a novel or story.( )
Most English news is told in an inverted pyramid structure, unlike the structure of a novel or story.( )
The news content is always arranged in an inverted pyramid form with the most important in the lead part. A: 正确 B: 错误
The news content is always arranged in an inverted pyramid form with the most important in the lead part. A: 正确 B: 错误
中国大学MOOC: The news content is always arranged in an inverted pyramid form with the most important in the lead part.
中国大学MOOC: The news content is always arranged in an inverted pyramid form with the most important in the lead part.
Which one is the most common form of a feature article?( ) A: inverted pyramid B: flexible and diverse structures C: the use of writing techniques D: all-encompassing with a single focus
Which one is the most common form of a feature article?( ) A: inverted pyramid B: flexible and diverse structures C: the use of writing techniques D: all-encompassing with a single focus
Which sentence is the inverted sentence?
Which sentence is the inverted sentence?
What is a Food Guide Pyramid?
What is a Food Guide Pyramid?
Where is the Great Pyramid located?
Where is the Great Pyramid located?
When should an adverbial clause of concession be partly inverted?
When should an adverbial clause of concession be partly inverted?