• 2022-06-06 问题

    What's done is done. It's no use ______ anyone for it. A: blame B: blaming C: to blame D: to be blaming

    What's done is done. It's no use ______ anyone for it. A: blame B: blaming C: to blame D: to be blaming

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    He is for the accident. A: to be blamed B: to blame C: blamed D: blaming

    He is for the accident. A: to be blamed B: to blame C: blamed D: blaming

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Which driver was to ______ for the accident A: blamed B: be blaming C: be blamed D: blame

    Which driver was to ______ for the accident A: blamed B: be blaming C: be blamed D: blame

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    They are ______ him with having saved Tom's life. A: blaming B: crediting C: encouraging D: entertaining

    They are ______ him with having saved Tom's life. A: blaming B: crediting C: encouraging D: entertaining

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Which statement is true? A: It was easy for the writer to identify the food sources for those critical nutrients. B: Physician self-experimentation is always effective and goes as anticipated. C: The genes are responsible for most chronic diseases. D: The author holds the view that it is time we stop blaming our genes and focus on the 70% under the individual’s control.

    Which statement is true? A: It was easy for the writer to identify the food sources for those critical nutrients. B: Physician self-experimentation is always effective and goes as anticipated. C: The genes are responsible for most chronic diseases. D: The author holds the view that it is time we stop blaming our genes and focus on the 70% under the individual’s control.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Thesoundoftherainhittingthewindowswakesmeupanditsoundjustexactlyasitdid15yearsago,whichremindedmeofmygirlhood. It  wasmyseconddayof 1 anditwasrainingheavily.Icouldnot 2 thehabitIhadathome,soIfellasleeprightatmy3 .IwokeuptofindmyselfnotintheclassroombutcarriedonDad’sback.Wewere 4 home.ItwasthelasttimeIfelt5 tohim. After  that,henevercarriedmeorhuggedmeasotherfathersdidtotheirchildren.Iwasnotbotheredmuchbythis 6.Iwasproudofit,forIfelt 7and“grownup.”However,thereweretimeswhenIfeltdepressedbynothavingsought 8fromhim. One  day,IwaswritingChinesecharactersashomework.Ihateddoingthismorethananything.Dadcameandstoodbehindmeforamoment, 9mescratching(乱吐,勾抹)thepaper.Thenhesaid,“Thiskindofwritingneeds 10.Yourwritingisnotstrongenough.Pressharder.” I  followhis 11forthenexttwowords,but 12Icouldseelittleimprovement,Ifollowedmyownmethod-the 13way.Hisadvicedidnotimprovemywritingbutour 14.AsIgrewolder,Ifoundoutthathehadfinishedhis 15inGrade6,whichwasthehighestgradeintownthen,sohewasconsideredtobea 16.Peopleusedtoaskhimtowritesomethingtoputonthewalls,butheneverfeltveryuseful. He  oftensaidtome,“Asyoucansee,thisfamilyisgoingtocountonyou.Weare 17toimproveyouanythingforyourfuture.Yourhavetoget 18tochangethelifeforyourself.” As  aresultofhis 19,Ihave 20itthroughhighschoolandthroughcollege. 1.  A.graduationB.employmentC.collegeD.school 2.  A.fromB.resistC.followD.break 3.  A.dormitoryB.doorC.deskD.bed 4  A.atB.alreadyC.beyondD.halfway 5.  A.closeB.nearC.happyD.relaxed 6.  A.gapB.thoughtC.actionD.accident 7.  A.lonelyB.depressedC.independentD.comfortable 8.  A.comfortB.helpC.supportD.explanation 9.  A.helpingB.directingC.watchingD.blaming 10.  A.skillB.patienceC.timeD.practice 11.  A.introductionB.mannerC.spiritD.advice 12.  A.evenifB.whileC.asD.though 13.  A.difficultB.slowC.efficientD.fast 14.  A.relationshipB.friendshipC.thoughtD.life 15.  A.schoolingB.lifeC.hopeD.expectation 16.  A.writerB.scholarC.scientistD.specialist 17.  A.tiredB.gladC.uselessD.ready 18.  A.aneducationB.arichboyfriendC.awell-paidjobD.agoodwriting 19.  A.helpB.expectationsC.examinationD.watch 20.  A.succeededB.gotC.madeD.found 答案:   完形填空训练(三)1~5  DBCDA6~10BCACB11~15DCDAA16~20BCABC A: graduation B: employment C: college D: school

    Thesoundoftherainhittingthewindowswakesmeupanditsoundjustexactlyasitdid15yearsago,whichremindedmeofmygirlhood. It  wasmyseconddayof 1 anditwasrainingheavily.Icouldnot 2 thehabitIhadathome,soIfellasleeprightatmy3 .IwokeuptofindmyselfnotintheclassroombutcarriedonDad’sback.Wewere 4 home.ItwasthelasttimeIfelt5 tohim. After  that,henevercarriedmeorhuggedmeasotherfathersdidtotheirchildren.Iwasnotbotheredmuchbythis 6.Iwasproudofit,forIfelt 7and“grownup.”However,thereweretimeswhenIfeltdepressedbynothavingsought 8fromhim. One  day,IwaswritingChinesecharactersashomework.Ihateddoingthismorethananything.Dadcameandstoodbehindmeforamoment, 9mescratching(乱吐,勾抹)thepaper.Thenhesaid,“Thiskindofwritingneeds 10.Yourwritingisnotstrongenough.Pressharder.” I  followhis 11forthenexttwowords,but 12Icouldseelittleimprovement,Ifollowedmyownmethod-the 13way.Hisadvicedidnotimprovemywritingbutour 14.AsIgrewolder,Ifoundoutthathehadfinishedhis 15inGrade6,whichwasthehighestgradeintownthen,sohewasconsideredtobea 16.Peopleusedtoaskhimtowritesomethingtoputonthewalls,butheneverfeltveryuseful. He  oftensaidtome,“Asyoucansee,thisfamilyisgoingtocountonyou.Weare 17toimproveyouanythingforyourfuture.Yourhavetoget 18tochangethelifeforyourself.” As  aresultofhis 19,Ihave 20itthroughhighschoolandthroughcollege. 1.  A.graduationB.employmentC.collegeD.school 2.  A.fromB.resistC.followD.break 3.  A.dormitoryB.doorC.deskD.bed 4  A.atB.alreadyC.beyondD.halfway 5.  A.closeB.nearC.happyD.relaxed 6.  A.gapB.thoughtC.actionD.accident 7.  A.lonelyB.depressedC.independentD.comfortable 8.  A.comfortB.helpC.supportD.explanation 9.  A.helpingB.directingC.watchingD.blaming 10.  A.skillB.patienceC.timeD.practice 11.  A.introductionB.mannerC.spiritD.advice 12.  A.evenifB.whileC.asD.though 13.  A.difficultB.slowC.efficientD.fast 14.  A.relationshipB.friendshipC.thoughtD.life 15.  A.schoolingB.lifeC.hopeD.expectation 16.  A.writerB.scholarC.scientistD.specialist 17.  A.tiredB.gladC.uselessD.ready 18.  A.aneducationB.arichboyfriendC.awell-paidjobD.agoodwriting 19.  A.helpB.expectationsC.examinationD.watch 20.  A.succeededB.gotC.madeD.found 答案:   完形填空训练(三)1~5  DBCDA6~10BCACB11~15DCDAA16~20BCABC A: graduation B: employment C: college D: school

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: supply B: suggest C: offer D: propose

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: supply B: suggest C: offer D: propose

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: get up B: get on C: get out D: get over

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: get up B: get on C: get out D: get over

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: possible B: 1ikely C: hopeful D: welcome

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: possible B: 1ikely C: hopeful D: welcome

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