are the primary broadcast media.
are the primary broadcast media.
Why did the Queen make a broadcast?
Why did the Queen make a broadcast?
What a pity! I haven’t got a ticket for the football match tonight.Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast__________. A: live B: lively C: alive D: Living
What a pity! I haven’t got a ticket for the football match tonight.Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast__________. A: live B: lively C: alive D: Living
中国大学MOOC: The concert is broadcast ______ on television.
中国大学MOOC: The concert is broadcast ______ on television.
The interview was broadcast on the same day he was __________ as President.
The interview was broadcast on the same day he was __________ as President.
Android 的Broadcast本质上是什么机制?
Android 的Broadcast本质上是什么机制?
Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?
Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?
12. An advertisment that is broadcast on radio or television is called a ______ .
12. An advertisment that is broadcast on radio or television is called a ______ .
The difference between cable television and broadcast television is that ____________.
The difference between cable television and broadcast television is that ____________.