每一位十进制数用4位二进制代码表示,称为二进制编码的十进制数--BCD码(Binary Coded Decimal),或称二-十进制编码。
每一位十进制数用4位二进制代码表示,称为二进制编码的十进制数--BCD码(Binary Coded Decimal),或称二-十进制编码。
判断按下键是否是编码键的表达式为( ) A: key=CODED B: key==CODED C: keyCode=CODED D: keyCode==CODED
判断按下键是否是编码键的表达式为( ) A: key=CODED B: key==CODED C: keyCode=CODED D: keyCode==CODED
The binary search technique______.
The binary search technique______.
A bit (short for binary digit), the smallest data unit in a computer, has a single binary value of either 0 or 1. ( )
A bit (short for binary digit), the smallest data unit in a computer, has a single binary value of either 0 or 1. ( )
A ____ computer network depends on a centrally-located computer for processing and storage. A: centralized B: coded C: distributed D: contained
A ____ computer network depends on a centrally-located computer for processing and storage. A: centralized B: coded C: distributed D: contained
A heap must be a full binary tree
A heap must be a full binary tree
A heap must be a complete binary tree
A heap must be a complete binary tree
Heap is not necessarily a complete binary tree
Heap is not necessarily a complete binary tree
用open()函数以二进制读方式打开文件时,打开方式应设置为: A: ios::out|ios::binary B: ios::out|ios::in C: ios::app|ios::binary D: ios::in|ios::binary
用open()函数以二进制读方式打开文件时,打开方式应设置为: A: ios::out|ios::binary B: ios::out|ios::in C: ios::app|ios::binary D: ios::in|ios::binary