How many intangible cultural heritages are there in
How many intangible cultural heritages are there in
Lijiang is listed by UNESCO as World Heritages Site.
Lijiang is listed by UNESCO as World Heritages Site.
How many intangible cultural heritages are there in China by the end of 2018.
How many intangible cultural heritages are there in China by the end of 2018.
China has had 73 intangible cultural heritages by the end of December 2018.
China has had 73 intangible cultural heritages by the end of December 2018.
The purpose of the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”the convention was to promote the cooperation between countries and peoples for reasonable protection of the world heritages. ( )
The purpose of the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”the convention was to promote the cooperation between countries and peoples for reasonable protection of the world heritages. ( )
The little girl is attracted by those__________________,enchanted by things in the past. A: historical heritages B: tall building
The little girl is attracted by those__________________,enchanted by things in the past. A: historical heritages B: tall building
Human culture is______ A: partly inborn B: entirely learned C: taught by parents D: dug out from cultural heritages
Human culture is______ A: partly inborn B: entirely learned C: taught by parents D: dug out from cultural heritages
Among Chinese list of world heritages, there are ____________ world cultural and natural heritage sites till now.( ) A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 3
Among Chinese list of world heritages, there are ____________ world cultural and natural heritage sites till now.( ) A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 3
Cultural heritages connect modern people with the historical past, allow them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. 请判断本句是否在语法上正确?Is the sentence grammatically correct?
Cultural heritages connect modern people with the historical past, allow them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. 请判断本句是否在语法上正确?Is the sentence grammatically correct?
No wonder it was listed within the first group of national intangible cultural heritages in 2006, and Hui'an county was honored as "The hometown of Chinese folk art (sculpture)”.? “中国民间艺术(雕刻)之城”|N/A|“中国民间艺术(雕刻)之家”|“中国民间艺术(雕刻)之乡”
No wonder it was listed within the first group of national intangible cultural heritages in 2006, and Hui'an county was honored as "The hometown of Chinese folk art (sculpture)”.? “中国民间艺术(雕刻)之城”|N/A|“中国民间艺术(雕刻)之家”|“中国民间艺术(雕刻)之乡”