• 2022-06-17 问题

    若有以下定义,则对变量student1中“生日”的正确赋值方式是( )。struct student{ int num; char name[20], sex; struct { int year, month, day; } birthday;} ; struct student student1; A: student1.birthday.year = 2003;student1.birthday.month = 5;student1.birthday.day = 1; B: year = 2003;month = 5;day = 1; C: birthday.year = 2003;birthday.month = 5;birthday.day = 1; D: student1.year = 2003;student1.month = 5;student1.day = 1;

    若有以下定义,则对变量student1中“生日”的正确赋值方式是( )。struct student{ int num; char name[20], sex; struct { int year, month, day; } birthday;} ; struct student student1; A: student1.birthday.year = 2003;student1.birthday.month = 5;student1.birthday.day = 1; B: year = 2003;month = 5;day = 1; C: birthday.year = 2003;birthday.month = 5;birthday.day = 1; D: student1.year = 2003;student1.month = 5;student1.day = 1;

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    a student in their first year at university: ______

    a student in their first year at university: ______

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    The student of the universities in the second year are called ____.

    The student of the universities in the second year are called ____.

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Mike was only 14 that year made him the youngest student in the college.

    Mike was only 14 that year made him the youngest student in the college.

  • 2022-10-27 问题

    在SELECT语句中,与排序有关的关键字是______。 A: ORDER BY B: LIMIT C: DESC D: ASC E: : ACD F: 、查询1997,1999年出生的同学信息,正确的SELECT语句是______。 G: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) NOT IN(1997,1999); H: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday)=1997 OR YEAR(birthday)=1999; I: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) IN(1997,1999); J: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) EXISTS(1997,1999);

    在SELECT语句中,与排序有关的关键字是______。 A: ORDER BY B: LIMIT C: DESC D: ASC E: : ACD F: 、查询1997,1999年出生的同学信息,正确的SELECT语句是______。 G: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) NOT IN(1997,1999); H: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday)=1997 OR YEAR(birthday)=1999; I: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) IN(1997,1999); J: SELECT * FROM student WHERE YEAR(birthday) EXISTS(1997,1999);

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    a student in his third year at college is called a________. A: junior B: senior

    a student in his third year at college is called a________. A: junior B: senior

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Passage 1According to the author, when does a college student meet his/her first conflict with their roommate? A: The 1st year at college. B: The 2nd year at college. C: The 3rd year at college. D: The 4th year at college.

    Passage 1According to the author, when does a college student meet his/her first conflict with their roommate? A: The 1st year at college. B: The 2nd year at college. C: The 3rd year at college. D: The 4th year at college.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Last year, LiHua, a college student, ____ to work for the Olympic Games.

    中国大学MOOC: Last year, LiHua, a college student, ____ to work for the Olympic Games.

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    __________ there many foreign students in the student union last year? A: Is B: Was C: Are D: Were

    __________ there many foreign students in the student union last year? A: Is B: Was C: Are D: Were

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    删除student表中id为1的记录() A: TRUNCATE FROM student where id=1; B: DELETE student where id=1; C: DELETE FROM student where id=1; D: DELETE INTO student where id=1;

    删除student表中id为1的记录() A: TRUNCATE FROM student where id=1; B: DELETE student where id=1; C: DELETE FROM student where id=1; D: DELETE INTO student where id=1;

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