Compare Dian-tang style with Ting-tang style:Relatively the rank of _____ is higher; A: Dian-tang B: Ting-tang
Compare Dian-tang style with Ting-tang style:Relatively the rank of _____ is higher; A: Dian-tang B: Ting-tang
Columns of _____ are of different heights. A: Dian-tang B: Ting-tang
Columns of _____ are of different heights. A: Dian-tang B: Ting-tang
The development of Tang poetry was closely related with the fate of the Tang Empire, and can be divided into the following stages: ______________. ( ) A: Late Tang B: High Tang C: Middle Tang D: Early Tang
The development of Tang poetry was closely related with the fate of the Tang Empire, and can be divided into the following stages: ______________. ( ) A: Late Tang B: High Tang C: Middle Tang D: Early Tang
The tool of Dian Zu is the crossover stick
The tool of Dian Zu is the crossover stick
对下列词语中加点字的解释有误的一组是()。 未知类型:{'options': ['[font class="dian"]怀[/]古(思念) 少[font class="dian"]怀[/]大志(心里存有) 襟[font class="dian"]怀[/](胸怀) [font class="dian"]怀[/]瑾握瑜(胸部衣里掩着)', '[font class="dian"]横[/]幅(跟地面平行的) 蔓草[font class="dian"]横[/]生(纵横杂乱) [font class="dian"]横[/]贯(地理上东西向的) [font class="dian"]横[/]行霸道(蛮横)', '[font class="dian"]花[/]灯(用花或花纹装饰的) [font class="dian"]花[/]言巧语(用来迷惑人的) 火[font class="dian"]花[/](形状像花朵的东西) 文艺之[font class="dian"]花[/](比喻事物的精华)', '[font class="dian"]化[/]冻(融化) 潜移默[font class="dian"]化[/](变化) [font class="dian"]化[/]解(消除) [font class="dian"]化[/]险为夷(使变化)'], 'type': 102}
对下列词语中加点字的解释有误的一组是()。 未知类型:{'options': ['[font class="dian"]怀[/]古(思念) 少[font class="dian"]怀[/]大志(心里存有) 襟[font class="dian"]怀[/](胸怀) [font class="dian"]怀[/]瑾握瑜(胸部衣里掩着)', '[font class="dian"]横[/]幅(跟地面平行的) 蔓草[font class="dian"]横[/]生(纵横杂乱) [font class="dian"]横[/]贯(地理上东西向的) [font class="dian"]横[/]行霸道(蛮横)', '[font class="dian"]花[/]灯(用花或花纹装饰的) [font class="dian"]花[/]言巧语(用来迷惑人的) 火[font class="dian"]花[/](形状像花朵的东西) 文艺之[font class="dian"]花[/](比喻事物的精华)', '[font class="dian"]化[/]冻(融化) 潜移默[font class="dian"]化[/](变化) [font class="dian"]化[/]解(消除) [font class="dian"]化[/]险为夷(使变化)'], 'type': 102}
The collard seduction songs were created by ( )? Emperor ;Gaozong of ;Tang|;Emperor ;Taizong of ;Tang|Emperor Xinzong; of; Tang|Emperor ;Xuanzong of ;Tang
The collard seduction songs were created by ( )? Emperor ;Gaozong of ;Tang|;Emperor ;Taizong of ;Tang|Emperor Xinzong; of; Tang|Emperor ;Xuanzong of ;Tang
Tang Costume has no relationships with Tang Dynasty.
Tang Costume has no relationships with Tang Dynasty.
Tang suit is just for The peoplein Tang Dynasty.
Tang suit is just for The peoplein Tang Dynasty.