以下能将字符串str的字母全部转换为小写字母的是( )。 A: str.upper() B: str.lower() C: str.title() D: str.index()
以下能将字符串str的字母全部转换为小写字母的是( )。 A: str.upper() B: str.lower() C: str.title() D: str.index()
下列内建函数对其作用描述错误的是( )。 A: lower()返回字符串str的副本,全部字符小写 B: upper()返回字符串str的副本,全部字符大写 C: isspace()当str字符串中包含空格,返回True,否则返回False D: strip([chars])返回字符串的副本,长度为width,不足部分在左侧填0
下列内建函数对其作用描述错误的是( )。 A: lower()返回字符串str的副本,全部字符小写 B: upper()返回字符串str的副本,全部字符大写 C: isspace()当str字符串中包含空格,返回True,否则返回False D: strip([chars])返回字符串的副本,长度为width,不足部分在左侧填0
If a country’s saving rate declined, then other things the<br/>same, in the long run it would have () A: lower<br/>productivity, but not lower real GDP per person. B: lower<br/>productivity and lower real GDP per person. C: lower<br/>real GDP per person, but not lower productivity D: neither<br/>lower productivity nor lower real GDP per person.
If a country’s saving rate declined, then other things the<br/>same, in the long run it would have () A: lower<br/>productivity, but not lower real GDP per person. B: lower<br/>productivity and lower real GDP per person. C: lower<br/>real GDP per person, but not lower productivity D: neither<br/>lower productivity nor lower real GDP per person.
下列程序的运行结果为( ). void abc(char *str) { int a,b; for(a=b=0;str[a]!='\0';a++) if(str[a]!='c') {str[b]=str[a]; b++; }str[b]='\0'; } main( ) { char str[]="abcdef"; abc(str); printf("str[]=%s",str); }
下列程序的运行结果为( ). void abc(char *str) { int a,b; for(a=b=0;str[a]!='\0';a++) if(str[a]!='c') {str[b]=str[a]; b++; }str[b]='\0'; } main( ) { char str[]="abcdef"; abc(str); printf("str[]=%s",str); }
下列关于字符串使用正确的是() A: char str[10]; str="Hello"; B: char *str; strcpy(str,"Hello"); C: char *str1,str[10]="Hello"; strcpy(str,str1); D: char *str; str="Hello";
下列关于字符串使用正确的是() A: char str[10]; str="Hello"; B: char *str; strcpy(str,"Hello"); C: char *str1,str[10]="Hello"; strcpy(str,str1); D: char *str; str="Hello";
John Steinbeck mainly wrote about lower and lower middle class.
John Steinbeck mainly wrote about lower and lower middle class.
Small population may mean ______. A: higher productlvity, but a lower average income B: lower productivity, but a higher average income C: lower productivity and a lower average income D: higher productivity and a higher average income
Small population may mean ______. A: higher productlvity, but a lower average income B: lower productivity, but a higher average income C: lower productivity and a lower average income D: higher productivity and a higher average income
下面哪个选项不能将"hello"字符串存入字符数组str中( )。 A: char str[]="hello" ; B: char str[30]; strcpy(str, "hello"); C: char str[30];str="hello"; D: char str[30],*ps=str; strcpy(ps,"hello");
下面哪个选项不能将"hello"字符串存入字符数组str中( )。 A: char str[]="hello" ; B: char str[30]; strcpy(str, "hello"); C: char str[30];str="hello"; D: char str[30],*ps=str; strcpy(ps,"hello");
以下给字符数组str定义和赋值正确的是( )。 A: char str[10]; str={"China!"}; B: char str[ ]={"China!"}; C: char str[10]; strcpy( str,"abcdefghijkl"); D: char str[10]={"abcdefghijkl"};
以下给字符数组str定义和赋值正确的是( )。 A: char str[10]; str={"China!"}; B: char str[ ]={"China!"}; C: char str[10]; strcpy( str,"abcdefghijkl"); D: char str[10]={"abcdefghijkl"};
以下程序运行结果为()。 A: str>str1 B: str C: str=str1 D: str<>str1
以下程序运行结果为()。 A: str>str1 B: str C: str=str1 D: str<>str1