英国光荣革命发生于哪一年() A: A1620年 B: B1588年 C: C1688年 D: D1689年
英国光荣革命发生于哪一年() A: A1620年 B: B1588年 C: C1688年 D: D1689年
Who defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
Who defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
In 1588, England defeated the famous fleet Armada from __________.
In 1588, England defeated the famous fleet Armada from __________.
中国大学MOOC: Who defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
中国大学MOOC: Who defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
William the Conqueror invaded England in _____. A: 1215 B: 1265 C: 1066 D: 1588
William the Conqueror invaded England in _____. A: 1215 B: 1265 C: 1066 D: 1588
In_____, Spanish Armade was defeated. A: 1558 B: 1588 C: 1600 D: 1603
In_____, Spanish Armade was defeated. A: 1558 B: 1588 C: 1600 D: 1603
海瑞墓建于()年。 A: 1587 B: 1588 C: 1589 D: 1097
海瑞墓建于()年。 A: 1587 B: 1588 C: 1589 D: 1097
IEEE 1588 V2是一种精确时间同步协议,是一种()系统
IEEE 1588 V2是一种精确时间同步协议,是一种()系统
常见的几种对时方式、(). A: SNTP对时 B: B码对时 C: 1588对时 D: PPS、PPM
常见的几种对时方式、(). A: SNTP对时 B: B码对时 C: 1588对时 D: PPS、PPM