“Arrive on time” is necessary in daily activities, such as a meeting or dinner. Being more than 10 minutes late usually calls for a(n)apology , and maybe a(n)____________.
“Arrive on time” is necessary in daily activities, such as a meeting or dinner. Being more than 10 minutes late usually calls for a(n)apology , and maybe a(n)____________.
Word文档文件的扩展名是() A: txt\n B: wps\n C: dot\n D: doc
Word文档文件的扩展名是() A: txt\n B: wps\n C: dot\n D: doc
Word文档的缺省类型是。 A: DOT\n B: DOC\n C: TXT\n D: WORD
Word文档的缺省类型是。 A: DOT\n B: DOC\n C: TXT\n D: WORD
Nowadays , more and more women are taking a(n) _____ ( 管理的 ) role.
Nowadays , more and more women are taking a(n) _____ ( 管理的 ) role.
显示文件file的内容,每10行显示一次,而且在显示之前先清屏的命令是() A: more -C -10 file B: more -c -10 file C: more -d -10 file D: more -c +10 file
显示文件file的内容,每10行显示一次,而且在显示之前先清屏的命令是() A: more -C -10 file B: more -c -10 file C: more -d -10 file D: more -c +10 file
More and more people are taking to their bikes as a(n) _____ to driving or using public transport.
More and more people are taking to their bikes as a(n) _____ to driving or using public transport.
( )命令可以实现查看/etc/passwd文件的前10行的命令。 A: less -10 /etc/passwd B: more -n 10 /etc/passwd C: tail -10 /etc/passwd D: head -10 /etc/passwd
( )命令可以实现查看/etc/passwd文件的前10行的命令。 A: less -10 /etc/passwd B: more -n 10 /etc/passwd C: tail -10 /etc/passwd D: head -10 /etc/passwd
查看文件a.txt前十行内容的命令是() A: head-n10a.txt B: more-n10a.txt C: taila.txt D: less-n10a.txt
查看文件a.txt前十行内容的命令是() A: head-n10a.txt B: more-n10a.txt C: taila.txt D: less-n10a.txt
将任意一个两位正整数N的个位数与十位数对换的表达式是______。 A: (N-Int(N/10)*10)*10+Int(N/10) B: N-Int(N)/10*10+Int(N)/10 C: Int(N/10)+(N-Int(N/10)) D: (N\10)*10+(N Mod 10)
将任意一个两位正整数N的个位数与十位数对换的表达式是______。 A: (N-Int(N/10)*10)*10+Int(N/10) B: N-Int(N)/10*10+Int(N)/10 C: Int(N/10)+(N-Int(N/10)) D: (N\10)*10+(N Mod 10)
查看家目录下以“.c”结尾的文件内容,并显示行号( )?(1.0) A: cat -n ~/*.c B: cat -n ~/*.txt C: cat -m ~/*.txt D: cat -m ~/*.c
查看家目录下以“.c”结尾的文件内容,并显示行号( )?(1.0) A: cat -n ~/*.c B: cat -n ~/*.txt C: cat -m ~/*.txt D: cat -m ~/*.c