• 2022-05-27 问题

    (),上海黄金交易所推出了以人民币计价的“上海金”集中定价交易。 A: 2016/4/190:00:00 B: 2015/4/180:00:00 C: 2016/4/180:00:00 D: 2015/4/190:00:00

    (),上海黄金交易所推出了以人民币计价的“上海金”集中定价交易。 A: 2016/4/190:00:00 B: 2015/4/180:00:00 C: 2016/4/180:00:00 D: 2015/4/190:00:00

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    烤瓷比色应在下列哪个时间段进行较好 A、上午8:00~12:00下午1:00~4:00 B、上午8:00~12:00下午2:00~5:00 C、上午9:00~11:00下午1:00~4:00 D、上午9:00~11:00下午2:00~5:00 E、上午8:00~12:00下午1:00~5:00

    烤瓷比色应在下列哪个时间段进行较好 A、上午8:00~12:00下午1:00~4:00 B、上午8:00~12:00下午2:00~5:00 C、上午9:00~11:00下午1:00~4:00 D、上午9:00~11:00下午2:00~5:00 E、上午8:00~12:00下午1:00~5:00

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    给客户打电话的最好时间是 A: 早上10:00~11:30 B: 下午2:00~4:00 C: 早上8:00~11:30 D: 中午12:00~下午4:00

    给客户打电话的最好时间是 A: 早上10:00~11:30 B: 下午2:00~4:00 C: 早上8:00~11:30 D: 中午12:00~下午4:00

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    5.listening the dialogue(part B) A: 3:00 B: 4:00 C: 5:00 D: 6:00

    5.listening the dialogue(part B) A: 3:00 B: 4:00 C: 5:00 D: 6:00

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    夜间运行()的旅客列车可根据列车实际,酌情延长给水间隔时间。 A: 22:00~3:00 B: 23:00~4:00 C: 00:00~5:00 D: 00:00~6:00

    夜间运行()的旅客列车可根据列车实际,酌情延长给水间隔时间。 A: 22:00~3:00 B: 23:00~4:00 C: 00:00~5:00 D: 00:00~6:00

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an A: ? B: at 7:00 am C: at 4:00 pm D: at the midnight E: at 4:00 am

    Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an A: ? B: at 7:00 am C: at 4:00 pm D: at the midnight E: at 4:00 am

  • 2022-06-07 问题



  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Which of the followings are true? A: A. Tiger: 03:00 ~ 05:00 named Yinshi, when tigers hurt their prey more and show their ferocity. B: B. Ox: 01:00 ~ 03:00 named Choushi, when oxen begin to crush the food, regurgitating to the mouth slowly and comfortably. C: C. Dog: 19:00 ~ 21:00 named Xushi, when dogs begin to carry out their duty of guarding the houses. D: D. Pig: 23:00 ~ 1:00 named Haishi, when pigs are sleeping sweetly.

    Which of the followings are true? A: A. Tiger: 03:00 ~ 05:00 named Yinshi, when tigers hurt their prey more and show their ferocity. B: B. Ox: 01:00 ~ 03:00 named Choushi, when oxen begin to crush the food, regurgitating to the mouth slowly and comfortably. C: C. Dog: 19:00 ~ 21:00 named Xushi, when dogs begin to carry out their duty of guarding the houses. D: D. Pig: 23:00 ~ 1:00 named Haishi, when pigs are sleeping sweetly.

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    中国人民解放军火箭军成立于( )。 A: 1927/8/1 0:00:00 B: 1949/4/1 0:00:00 C: 1949/11/1 0:00:00 D: 2015/12/1 0:00:00

    中国人民解放军火箭军成立于( )。 A: 1927/8/1 0:00:00 B: 1949/4/1 0:00:00 C: 1949/11/1 0:00:00 D: 2015/12/1 0:00:00

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    9:30 (1) 11:00 (2) 14:00 (3) (4) 2()

    9:30 (1) 11:00 (2) 14:00 (3) (4) 2()

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10