The internal capsule A: is a cavity of telencephalon B: the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb C: lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D: the optic radiation passes the anterior limb E: the corticonuclear tract passes through posterior limb
The internal capsule A: is a cavity of telencephalon B: the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb C: lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D: the optic radiation passes the anterior limb E: the corticonuclear tract passes through posterior limb
Asana (posture) is the fourth limb of the Eight-Limbed System.
Asana (posture) is the fourth limb of the Eight-Limbed System.
Clavicle does not belong to upper limb bone.
Clavicle does not belong to upper limb bone.
The part of the upper limb of the body between the elbow and the wrist is termed _____
The part of the upper limb of the body between the elbow and the wrist is termed _____
The internal capsule A: is a cavity of telencephalon B: the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb C: lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D: the optic radiation passes the anterior limb
The internal capsule A: is a cavity of telencephalon B: the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb C: lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D: the optic radiation passes the anterior limb
We must _____ ourselves to an hour. A: limit B: strict C: lime D: limb
We must _____ ourselves to an hour. A: limit B: strict C: lime D: limb
More then 100 candidates is _________The leadership position.( ). A: obsess B: irritating C: represent D: contesting E: Limb
More then 100 candidates is _________The leadership position.( ). A: obsess B: irritating C: represent D: contesting E: Limb
True or False: The upper limb of Lucy (A.L. 288-1) retains a number of features associated with climbing. A: True B: False
True or False: The upper limb of Lucy (A.L. 288-1) retains a number of features associated with climbing. A: True B: False
Which of the following options is seen as a wind sign? A: Limb tremor B: Wriggling of hands C: Opisthotonus D: Severe joint pain alleviated by warmth
Which of the following options is seen as a wind sign? A: Limb tremor B: Wriggling of hands C: Opisthotonus D: Severe joint pain alleviated by warmth
Which of the following drugs is correctly associated with its site of action and maximal diuretic efficacy? A: Thiazides−early distal tubule-7% of filtered Na+ B: Spironolactone−early distal tubule-40% C: Bumetanide−thick ascending limb-15% D: Metolazone−collecting tubule-2% E: All of the above
Which of the following drugs is correctly associated with its site of action and maximal diuretic efficacy? A: Thiazides−early distal tubule-7% of filtered Na+ B: Spironolactone−early distal tubule-40% C: Bumetanide−thick ascending limb-15% D: Metolazone−collecting tubule-2% E: All of the above