48.He said, "These books are mine."
48.He said, "These books are mine."
48、【单选题】How does the narrator start friendship with Big Foot?A、He sympathizes with him after seeing his defeat in boxing.B、He keeps the secret of Big Foot.C、He thanks Big Foot for his protection from the American soldier.D、He saves Big Foot from the attack of a dog.
48、【单选题】How does the narrator start friendship with Big Foot?A、He sympathizes with him after seeing his defeat in boxing.B、He keeps the secret of Big Foot.C、He thanks Big Foot for his protection from the American soldier.D、He saves Big Foot from the attack of a dog.
4=2+2 18=5+13,18=7+11 48=5+43,48=7+41,48=11+37;48=17+31,48=19+29
4=2+2 18=5+13,18=7+11 48=5+43,48=7+41,48=11+37;48=17+31,48=19+29
省级投诉:平均几小时答复,最长不超过几小时?() A: 48;48 B: 24;24 C: 24;48 D: 48;24
省级投诉:平均几小时答复,最长不超过几小时?() A: 48;48 B: 24;24 C: 24;48 D: 48;24
SART内的电池要求在待命和应答的状态下工作() A: 48/8 B: 96/8 C: 96/48 D: 48/48
SART内的电池要求在待命和应答的状态下工作() A: 48/8 B: 96/8 C: 96/48 D: 48/48
以太网的IPv4地址、IPv6地址、硬件地址的位数分别是( )。 A: 32、48、128 B: 48、32、128 C: 32、128、48 D: 128、48、32
以太网的IPv4地址、IPv6地址、硬件地址的位数分别是( )。 A: 32、48、128 B: 48、32、128 C: 32、128、48 D: 128、48、32
已知直线AB的真方位角为48°50′15″,A点的磁偏角为δ=-2′45″。该直线磁方位角为()。 A: 48°53′00″ B: 48°50′15″ C: 48°47′30″ D: 48°55′45″
已知直线AB的真方位角为48°50′15″,A点的磁偏角为δ=-2′45″。该直线磁方位角为()。 A: 48°53′00″ B: 48°50′15″ C: 48°47′30″ D: 48°55′45″
48*48点阵字模码表示一个汉字需要 字节
48*48点阵字模码表示一个汉字需要 字节