Carotid sinus
Carotid sinus
Passengers who suffer from a cold are likely to experience pain in the ear or sinus.
Passengers who suffer from a cold are likely to experience pain in the ear or sinus.
站立时窦腔内分泌物最不容易流出的鼻旁窦是: A: frontal sinus B: maxillary sinus C: sphenoidal sinus D: anterior group of the ethmoidal sinuses E: posterior group of the ethmoidal sinuses
站立时窦腔内分泌物最不容易流出的鼻旁窦是: A: frontal sinus B: maxillary sinus C: sphenoidal sinus D: anterior group of the ethmoidal sinuses E: posterior group of the ethmoidal sinuses
In spleen, the thymus-dependent area is A: splenic cord B: splenic corpuscle C: periarterial lymphatic sheath D: splenic sinus E: marginal zone
In spleen, the thymus-dependent area is A: splenic cord B: splenic corpuscle C: periarterial lymphatic sheath D: splenic sinus E: marginal zone
The most common source for cerebritis progress into a cerebral abscess is:( ) A: Direct extension from sinus or scalp infections B: Trauma C: Tumors D: Hemorrhagic spread
The most common source for cerebritis progress into a cerebral abscess is:( ) A: Direct extension from sinus or scalp infections B: Trauma C: Tumors D: Hemorrhagic spread
The most common site of stomach ulcers is____. A: near the lesser curvature B: greater curvature C: pylorus sinus D: posterior wall of the stomach E: anterior wall of the stomach
The most common site of stomach ulcers is____. A: near the lesser curvature B: greater curvature C: pylorus sinus D: posterior wall of the stomach E: anterior wall of the stomach
颈淋巴结结核灶的干酪样坏死物向体表排出后,可形成 A: Ulcer B: Cavity C: Sinus D: Fistula E: Cyst
颈淋巴结结核灶的干酪样坏死物向体表排出后,可形成 A: Ulcer B: Cavity C: Sinus D: Fistula E: Cyst
Of<br/>the following, the one most closely associated with the efferent<br/>ducts of the testis is ____. A: mesonephric tubules B: mesonephric duct C: paramesonephric duct D: genital swellings E: urogenital sinus
Of<br/>the following, the one most closely associated with the efferent<br/>ducts of the testis is ____. A: mesonephric tubules B: mesonephric duct C: paramesonephric duct D: genital swellings E: urogenital sinus
Complete compensatory pause could be seen in A: atrial premature beats. B: ventricular premature beats. C: junctional premature beats. D: bigeminy of ventricular premature contraction. E: sinus premature beats.
Complete compensatory pause could be seen in A: atrial premature beats. B: ventricular premature beats. C: junctional premature beats. D: bigeminy of ventricular premature contraction. E: sinus premature beats.
When arterial blood pressure rises, it can cause A: vagal tone decrease B: sympathetic tone increase C: aortic nerve afferent impulse reduce D: sinus nerve afferent impulse increase
When arterial blood pressure rises, it can cause A: vagal tone decrease B: sympathetic tone increase C: aortic nerve afferent impulse reduce D: sinus nerve afferent impulse increase