甲船从179°E 航行至179°W,乙船从1°E 航行至1°W,下列说法正确的是
甲船从179°E 航行至179°W,乙船从1°E 航行至1°W,下列说法正确的是
男性与女性发生肝癌的比例大致是() A: 1:1 B: 2:1 C: 100:1 D: 5~11:1 E: 5:11
男性与女性发生肝癌的比例大致是() A: 1:1 B: 2:1 C: 100:1 D: 5~11:1 E: 5:11
background:url(2、png),url(1、jpg),url(3、png),url(4、jpg);},表示哪张图片处在最上层() A: 2、png B: 1、jpg C: 3、png D: 4、jpg
background:url(2、png),url(1、jpg),url(3、png),url(4、jpg);},表示哪张图片处在最上层() A: 2、png B: 1、jpg C: 3、png D: 4、jpg
以下程序运行的结果是:【】。 #include intmain() { inta=3,b=4,c=9,d=9,e=9; d=(a>b)&&(c=5); e=d>0?11:22; printf('c=%d,d=%d,e=%d ',c,d,e); return0; } Ac=5,d=0,e=22 Bc=5,d=1,e=11 Cc=9,d=1,e=11 Dc=9,d=0,e=22
以下程序运行的结果是:【】。 #include intmain() { inta=3,b=4,c=9,d=9,e=9; d=(a>b)&&(c=5); e=d>0?11:22; printf('c=%d,d=%d,e=%d ',c,d,e); return0; } Ac=5,d=0,e=22 Bc=5,d=1,e=11 Cc=9,d=1,e=11 Dc=9,d=0,e=22
对于标准的Inception 块,它使用哪些卷积 A: 1*1 B: 3*3 C: 5*5 D: 7*7 E: 11*11
对于标准的Inception 块,它使用哪些卷积 A: 1*1 B: 3*3 C: 5*5 D: 7*7 E: 11*11
A ship sails from 179ºE to 179ºW. Meanwhile, the other ship sails from 1ºE to 1ºW, which one is correct of the following choices______: A: Both the magnitude and direction of D'long for the two ships are equal B: Both the magnitude and direction of D'long for the two ships are unequal C: The magnitudes of D'long for two ships are equal, but the directions of D'long are unequal D: The magnitudes of D'long for two ships are unequal, but the directions of D'long are equal
A ship sails from 179ºE to 179ºW. Meanwhile, the other ship sails from 1ºE to 1ºW, which one is correct of the following choices______: A: Both the magnitude and direction of D'long for the two ships are equal B: Both the magnitude and direction of D'long for the two ships are unequal C: The magnitudes of D'long for two ships are equal, but the directions of D'long are unequal D: The magnitudes of D'long for two ships are unequal, but the directions of D'long are equal
若关于x的一元二次方程2x2+(a-5)x+2=0无实数根,则a的取值范围是______ A: 1<a<9 B: 1≤a<9 C: 1<a<11 D: -1<a<9 E: 2<a<11
若关于x的一元二次方程2x2+(a-5)x+2=0无实数根,则a的取值范围是______ A: 1<a<9 B: 1≤a<9 C: 1<a<11 D: -1<a<9 E: 2<a<11
5.下列文件扩展名中,表示图片文件的有( )个.(1)PNG(2)MID(3)GIF(4) A: V (5)MOV (6)MP4(7)WMF(8)RMVB(9)TGA(10)AU(11)EXE(12)TMP B: 4 C: 3 D: 5 E: 6
5.下列文件扩展名中,表示图片文件的有( )个.(1)PNG(2)MID(3)GIF(4) A: V (5)MOV (6)MP4(7)WMF(8)RMVB(9)TGA(10)AU(11)EXE(12)TMP B: 4 C: 3 D: 5 E: 6
二进制10110011转换成十进制是()。 A: 91 B: 155 C: 179 D: 180 E: 201 F: 227
二进制10110011转换成十进制是()。 A: 91 B: 155 C: 179 D: 180 E: 201 F: 227