• 2022-05-29 问题

    同WHERE Age BETWEEN 15 AND 20完全等价的是( )。 A: WHERE Age>;15 AND Age<;20 B: WHERE Age>;=15 AND Age<;20 C: WHERE Age>;15 AND Age<;=20 D: WHERE Age>;=15 AND Age<;=20

    同WHERE Age BETWEEN 15 AND 20完全等价的是( )。 A: WHERE Age>;15 AND Age<;20 B: WHERE Age>;=15 AND Age<;20 C: WHERE Age>;15 AND Age<;=20 D: WHERE Age>;=15 AND Age<;=20

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    20.Where did Leonardo da Vinci die? A: In France. B: In Milan. C: In Florence. D: In Tuscany.

    20.Where did Leonardo da Vinci die? A: In France. B: In Milan. C: In Florence. D: In Tuscany.

  • 2022-06-08 问题



  • 2022-06-16 问题

    下面 语句和”select * from student where sex=’男’ && age=20;”语句查询出的结果是一样的。( ) A: select * from student where sex=’男’ or age=20; B: select * from student where sex=’男’ || age=20; C: select * from student where sex=’男’ and age=20; D: select * from student where sex,age in(’男’,20);

    下面 语句和”select * from student where sex=’男’ && age=20;”语句查询出的结果是一样的。( ) A: select * from student where sex=’男’ or age=20; B: select * from student where sex=’男’ || age=20; C: select * from student where sex=’男’ and age=20; D: select * from student where sex,age in(’男’,20);

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    查询年龄不在20到23岁之间的学生的信息,所使用的语法命令为() A: select * from student where age not between 20 and 23 B: select * from student where age between 20 and 23 C: select * from student where age not between 20 to 23 D: select * from student where not age from 20 to 23

    查询年龄不在20到23岁之间的学生的信息,所使用的语法命令为() A: select * from student where age not between 20 and 23 B: select * from student where age between 20 and 23 C: select * from student where age not between 20 to 23 D: select * from student where not age from 20 to 23

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    从Student表检索年龄为20岁的学生信息,已知年龄字段是数值类型,最规范的SQL语句是( )。 A: Select * From Student where Sage=20 B: Select * From Student where Sage='20' C: Select * From Student where Sage=【20】 D: Select * From Student where Sage EQUAL 20

    从Student表检索年龄为20岁的学生信息,已知年龄字段是数值类型,最规范的SQL语句是( )。 A: Select * From Student where Sage=20 B: Select * From Student where Sage='20' C: Select * From Student where Sage=【20】 D: Select * From Student where Sage EQUAL 20

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20

    下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    查询年龄在20到23岁之间的学生的信息,所使用的语法命令为() A: select * from student where age between 20 to 23 B: select * from student where age from 20 to 23 C: select * from student where age between 20 and 23 D: select * from student

    查询年龄在20到23岁之间的学生的信息,所使用的语法命令为() A: select * from student where age between 20 to 23 B: select * from student where age from 20 to 23 C: select * from student where age between 20 and 23 D: select * from student

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    下面SQL语句中,用于删除student表中age小于20的记录的语句是 A: DELETE student where age&lt;20; B: DELETE FROM student where age&lt;20; C: DELETE FROM student set age&lt;20; D: DELETE studentset age&lt;20;

    下面SQL语句中,用于删除student表中age小于20的记录的语句是 A: DELETE student where age&lt;20; B: DELETE FROM student where age&lt;20; C: DELETE FROM student set age&lt;20; D: DELETE studentset age&lt;20;

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    It was 20 miles from our city to the village _____ the accident happened. A: that B: where

    It was 20 miles from our city to the village _____ the accident happened. A: that B: where

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