Which part of the construction of Abu Dhabi International Airport is undertaken by China State Construction?
Which part of the construction of Abu Dhabi International Airport is undertaken by China State Construction?
【多选题】13 13 13 13 A. 13 13 B. 13 13 C. 13 13 D. 13 13
【多选题】13 13 13 13 A. 13 13 B. 13 13 C. 13 13 D. 13 13
【单选题】13 13 13 13 A. 13 B. 13 C. 13 D. 13
【单选题】13 13 13 13 A. 13 B. 13 C. 13 D. 13
在HTML中 标记的作用是 A. 在窗口中划一条水平线 B. 换行 C. 设置链接 D. 插入表格 正确答案:D 学生答案:B 错误 得分:0.0 分 取消 确定 Zepto(function($){ //$("img:not(.ans-formula-moudle,.goTop)").on('click',function(){ $("img:not(.ans-formula-moudle)").not('.goTop').on('click',function(){ var url = $(this).attr("src"); jsBridge.postNotification("CLIENT_PREVIEW_IMAGES", { imageUrls : [{ imageUrl : url, getOriginSize : 1 }], showIndex : 0 }); }); $('.folding').each(function(index){ var folding = $(this); folding.tap(function(){ var zlo_opened = folding.find("a"); if(zlo_opened.hasClass("zlo_opened")){ folding.next().hide(); zlo_opened.removeClass("zlo_opened"); }else{ folding.next().show(); zlo_opened.addClass("zlo_opened"); } }); }); }); $('.folding2').each(function(index){ var folding = $(this); folding.tap(function(){ var zlo_opened = folding.find("a"); if(zlo_opened.hasClass("zlo_opened")){ folding.next().fadeOut(); zlo_opened.removeClass("zlo_opened"); $(folding.next()).data("loaded",true); }else{ folding.next().fadeIn(); zlo_opened.addClass("zlo_opened"); if(!$(folding.next()).data("loaded")){ voteStatistic(folding.next(),zlo_opened.attr("data")); } } }); }); function _jsBridgeReady() { var icon = ServerHost.moocDomain + "/images/work/phone/reWork.png"; jsBridge.postNotification('CLIENT_CUSTOM_MENU', { show : '1', icon : icon, menu : '', option : "rework()", index : '0', width : '65', height : '18' }); jsBridge.bind('CLIENT_REFRESH_EVENT', function(object){ window.location.reload(); }); } function rework() { var answerId = $("#examAnswerId").val(); var relationId = $("#examRelationId").val(); var courseId = $("#courseId").val(); var classId = $("#classId").val(); $(".cx_alert-txt").html("打回后学生需要重新提交考试!"); $("#okBtn").html("打回"); $(".cx_alert").css("display", "block"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "block"); $("#okBtn").unbind(); $("#cancelBtn").unbind(); $("#okBtn").on("click", function() { $(".cx_alert").css("display", "none"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "none"); var url = "/exam/phone/reTest?classId=" + classId + "&answerId=" + answerId + "&relationId=" + relationId + "&courseId=" + courseId; $.ajax({ url : url, type : 'get', dataType : 'json', success : function(data) { openWindowHintClient(1, data.msg, function() { jsBridge.postNotification("CLIENT_REFRESH_STATUS", { "status" : 1 }); jsBridge.postNotification('CLIENT_EXIT_LEVEL', { message : '' }); }, 1000); } }); }); $("#cancelBtn").on("click", function() { $(".cx_alert").css("display", "none"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "none"); }); } /images/phone/goTop.png
在HTML中 标记的作用是 A. 在窗口中划一条水平线 B. 换行 C. 设置链接 D. 插入表格 正确答案:D 学生答案:B 错误 得分:0.0 分 取消 确定 Zepto(function($){ //$("img:not(.ans-formula-moudle,.goTop)").on('click',function(){ $("img:not(.ans-formula-moudle)").not('.goTop').on('click',function(){ var url = $(this).attr("src"); jsBridge.postNotification("CLIENT_PREVIEW_IMAGES", { imageUrls : [{ imageUrl : url, getOriginSize : 1 }], showIndex : 0 }); }); $('.folding').each(function(index){ var folding = $(this); folding.tap(function(){ var zlo_opened = folding.find("a"); if(zlo_opened.hasClass("zlo_opened")){ folding.next().hide(); zlo_opened.removeClass("zlo_opened"); }else{ folding.next().show(); zlo_opened.addClass("zlo_opened"); } }); }); }); $('.folding2').each(function(index){ var folding = $(this); folding.tap(function(){ var zlo_opened = folding.find("a"); if(zlo_opened.hasClass("zlo_opened")){ folding.next().fadeOut(); zlo_opened.removeClass("zlo_opened"); $(folding.next()).data("loaded",true); }else{ folding.next().fadeIn(); zlo_opened.addClass("zlo_opened"); if(!$(folding.next()).data("loaded")){ voteStatistic(folding.next(),zlo_opened.attr("data")); } } }); }); function _jsBridgeReady() { var icon = ServerHost.moocDomain + "/images/work/phone/reWork.png"; jsBridge.postNotification('CLIENT_CUSTOM_MENU', { show : '1', icon : icon, menu : '', option : "rework()", index : '0', width : '65', height : '18' }); jsBridge.bind('CLIENT_REFRESH_EVENT', function(object){ window.location.reload(); }); } function rework() { var answerId = $("#examAnswerId").val(); var relationId = $("#examRelationId").val(); var courseId = $("#courseId").val(); var classId = $("#classId").val(); $(".cx_alert-txt").html("打回后学生需要重新提交考试!"); $("#okBtn").html("打回"); $(".cx_alert").css("display", "block"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "block"); $("#okBtn").unbind(); $("#cancelBtn").unbind(); $("#okBtn").on("click", function() { $(".cx_alert").css("display", "none"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "none"); var url = "/exam/phone/reTest?classId=" + classId + "&answerId=" + answerId + "&relationId=" + relationId + "&courseId=" + courseId; $.ajax({ url : url, type : 'get', dataType : 'json', success : function(data) { openWindowHintClient(1, data.msg, function() { jsBridge.postNotification("CLIENT_REFRESH_STATUS", { "status" : 1 }); jsBridge.postNotification('CLIENT_EXIT_LEVEL', { message : '' }); }, 1000); } }); }); $("#cancelBtn").on("click", function() { $(".cx_alert").css("display", "none"); $(".cx_alert-box").css("display", "none"); }); } /images/phone/goTop.png
2000版、2010版和2020版通则,各有几个贸易术语 A: 13、13、11 B: 13、11、11 C: 13、13、13 D: 11、11、11
2000版、2010版和2020版通则,各有几个贸易术语 A: 13、13、11 B: 13、11、11 C: 13、13、13 D: 11、11、11
在A1单元格中输入(13),则A1单元格的内容为()。 A: 13 B: (13) C: -13 D: (-13)
在A1单元格中输入(13),则A1单元格的内容为()。 A: 13 B: (13) C: -13 D: (-13)
构成中心粒的单组微管结构是() A: A(13)+B(13)+C(13) B: A(13)+B(13)+C(10) C: A(13)+B(10)+C(10) D: A(10)+B(10)+C(10) E: A(13)+B(10)+C(13)
构成中心粒的单组微管结构是() A: A(13)+B(13)+C(13) B: A(13)+B(13)+C(10) C: A(13)+B(10)+C(10) D: A(10)+B(10)+C(10) E: A(13)+B(10)+C(13)